Thursday, March 23, 2006


Something i didn't expect to see in

(p.s. Look at the Upcoming Tournament's Format)

Monday, March 13, 2006


I read vonny's blog and did the what major are you quiz.
You scored as Engineering. You should be an Engineering major!





























What is your Perfect Major? (PLEASE RATE ME!!<3)
created with

Well... ha. Uh... ha ha ha? I am so unsastified or dissastified with my results. It's so well hmokay hmyeah?(that was the mr.mackey slang)

stupid power adapter

oh damned.

My external harddisk's power adapter is spoilt(i think). It just doesn't work. No power no light.


Tuesday, March 07, 2006

3 sided coin

How many sides does a coin have?

Two right? Two-sided coin. Life's like that-It's either right or wrong.

Right. Right as in ya right.

Actually, a coin has 3 sides. Head, tail and side(like the coin is standing on it's side now).
Maybe you'll tell me ha rite the 3rd side is bullshit. I guess there's nothing i can do to convince you if you can't accept this, but do read on if you can agree on it.

So a coin has 3 sides. Life decisions are too like a coin-3 sided. It's a "for it", "against it", or " ". The third side is an alternative. For example, say you are a meditator between two friends who are having a small quarrel. Both turn to you saying "That XXXX is so XXXX, always XXX.....Right?"
The peaceful type of friends will say"Ya, nevermind lah, maybe blah blah..."
The sour I'm-having-a-bad-day-leave-me-alone type will comment "No loh it's your fault you so annoying of course blah blah..."
Oh you can take the 3rd side and say"Why don't you just forget it."

Ok that wasn't quite an example. Maybe another one.
Ok like someone asks you. "Kiwicherry nice or not?"
Well you can say yes or no. Or you can take the 3rd side and say "What in the world is that?!", or "I don't remember how it tastes like" or even "Hmm...Nice weather we're having today aint it?"

Some say that that monochrome is black and white- I think it's made up of different shades of grey.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Cat's Law

I founded two equations today, which are simple but not to be taken lightly.
Cat's First Law:
Fun build !< Normal build.
Cat's Second Law:
Yan Zhong's recent entry went through a rainbow.
A lot of colours.

Explanation on the first law:
Fun build is not weaker than a Normal build. Experiment to find out more different builds which are more efficient. Try it out and see.

Explanation on the Second law:
Nothing to say. A sudden recent entry with lots of colours, but the colours are used in highlighting entries like a person, object, ...(direct article?). Ha

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Gamez Reviews from your daily cat papersSs

(The previous post about the "I" was meant to be a light-hearted joke. It can be true if you understand what it means hehe.)

Oh yeah. Anyway. I realised that more and more games are introducing "slot price." One obvious game which does this is DotA. Another game is Maplestory, but I believe most RPGs are doing that now.No such thing is the past. Last time it was "40gold for 40hp, 200gold for 200hp"RPG games, like Secret of Mana(Seiken Densetsu) series. I've heard of the Legend of Mana series, but not really interested to play that(yet?).
Speaking of Secret of Mana, I think SOM is the best series. Listing the


Anyway listing the pros and cons of the game. Let's start with a nice picture of the start screen.

As i was searching for the start screen, i came across to know that final fantasy adventure="Seiken Densetsu". Whoa. no wonder Secret of Mana is known as Seiken Densetsu 2. I'm continuing to search for the dam pic don't worry.

Here it is. I think this is a chinese version though.

Pros ->
--3 player support. Although this may sound useless, it's damn fun to have 3 people playing 1 game together. My sis, cous and I played this game. Wanted to play SoM3 but the 3 player support was not there anymore.
--Damn fun! The story was quite okay, but the graphics were good, considering SNES standards. Some efforts put in smoothening the graphics I guess. Smooth and sharp, not many games have this(Like Final fantasy III, the pictures were really blur.)
Of course there are many more like music and stuff, but i don't think other games are special in that way.
Really real time battle system. Characters need time for spell casting;which they cannot move while doing so. Battle is not time based, so monsters can attack the player while casting spell(which is why there is a warrior to protect casters i guess).

Setting a nice game makes one expect much more in the next version. Well some games are like that which disappoint those who wait for the next version.SoM2 isn't a disappointment but I expected the 3-player function to be there. It isn't and was really too bad for me.
Bugs-- Since it's on a SNES, there are some wierd bug relating to loading states. Sometimes the states saved are not saved at all, so nothing is really saved. You'll have to play from the start(or from where you last saved properly).

Ok some extra information.

My favourite guardian. Or what it's called i forgot. But the name' s Undine. Gives healing spells, undead=gg, resurrection, lotsa fun stuff lol. If i'm not wrong life leech and mana steal also comes from Undine. Hehe!
Well others are also not bad, like luna. Though i only remember one of her spells-lucid barrier. Used it so much to avoid last boss' attack LOL(I think it's a bug or glitch when we do that).
Still, 3 players game=funness.Game for those who have 2 siblings in the family and like RPGs. Fun gaining exp, healing each other, covering attack etc. Lotsa combinations can be made too.
Of course, training together is important too.

Oh ya, Ayumi Hamasaki's "HEAVEN" is nice too. Very uplifting song(although i'm not sure of the lyrics- some of her songs which sounds happy can actually be sad.)

Yeah Undine!

Where am eye

Hey guys here tis today, gonna present to you a cute track which thive been listening to for some time ago. Called "Seventeen Years", by Ratatat. The band's Ratatat. Here's a link to the website. The track is kind of mixed together with an electric guitar, keyboard(i think there is one), synthsizer and scratchdisc-ed and jumbled into a catchy rhythm with funny background noises. Guessing this track's considered "attic noise".

Ok not that thive heard their album or anything. Just that this specific song is nice. Would rather call it a soundtrack though(there are no words to the song). Anyway how the song came into the computer is another story. Short story but would prefer not to elaborate.

P.s. in case you were wondering why there are no "I"s in this entry, It's because of a identity crisis. Thy can't find where "I" really is- which atom is "I"? The one on the brain, or under the eye? Maybe behind the ear.

Who knows.