Wednesday, September 22, 2010


ok im doing my midterm which is gg. Cause i need to describe 3 views of human intelligence and the 3 views which i had derived/concluded/assumed/randomly picked were IMO very correlated. Not the views related to human intelligence, but the 3 views are related to each other. The other part of the question which makes the situation divide by zero is "which in ur opinion is most plausible?"

this lead me to thinking either i got 3 totally wrong views, or that i am thinking too much, or that i am misunderstanding the 3 views i currently know. or that i am misunderstanding the latter part of the question, which i hope i am.

hypo #1: the latter part of the qn, plausible meant: "credible" or believable. (or sauce worthy)
this means im totally dividing by zero because i believe in a "different situation needs different views" view.
hypo #2: this question is supposed to be so contradicting to make u purposely choose question #2 to do, because it is 1)more practical and 2)not necessarily contradicting.

i guess i'll start looking at question 2.

p.s. manga i'm reading: noblesse, gamble fish, shitsuraken and the previously mentioned ones. i feel really busy when i'm actually not busy doing my assignment work.

Saturday, September 04, 2010


It's saturday, what better way to start the day having a nice hot breakfast(subjective to culture), read the morning papers and have a nice ice cold cup of OJ, feeling the warmth of the sun on your back?

Unfortunately i woke up to eating bread , drinking water and then proceeding to play mafia 2, get pwnd a few times before dragging myself to do housework.

Which was a good workout.


Anyways sweaty and all i went back to surf the net, lazy to even turn on the fan(ok actually i'm turning it on now), surfed around and then to the legendary

Which was pretty interesting, it's like a whole developed city, complete with interesting stuff right down to the slums filled with trolls, which sometimes are worth a good while but never ever meaningful. I mean, I read a thread about a guy who felt that he had found a definitive statement to distinguish high schoolers and the rest, which was directly related to the place you buy your clothes. Those who disagreed with him used words or pictures ( like this ), which was interesting. Everyone started stoning the troll, a few random trolls rose from the rioting, which was put down by totally clueless pple, either by virtue of skill in absolute subtleness, or thickness. Either way evolution played its part in this historical event and it ended abruptly. To me, it was like a small piece of history that unfolded as i read the thread.
..o wait, it IS history.

Anyway, threads like that always seem to draw readers and replies, even though it is obviously meaningless and not that worth replying, the obvious didn't happen. people like me get distracted and enjoyed reading it, wasting 5 minutes of our lifes and feeling a little amused. It fuelled the interest in reading other 4ch threads, so i closed the mgid tabs(i had 10 tabs including mgid and 4ch) less my computer transform into megatron due to too many tabs running when i accidentally closed the 4ch tab and i almost cried. ok, not physically, but inside my mind i was like "oh man!!!!!!! :'(" cry. Even though the fact that i could restore the closed tabs by the click of 2 buttons, my inner emotions got the better of me first!

This led me to thinking about how sometimes in life, we are not prepared for something and when it happens, we may let our emotions get the better of ourselves and do the silly thing (like buying a burger and drink. Only to realise that a burger set with drink and fries cost lesser than a burger plus drink). If that happened, you can cry loudly. Hopefully audible enough for the waitress or waiter to hear, so you can lament the fact that you could have saved money by buying fries, and perhaps negotiated a redealof your meal purchase. Unfortunately, i had let my emotions not get the better of me (I was like "AOOOWW WTF?" *nom nom slurp*) before i realised that perhaps, i could have brought the set back and negotiated for a meal deal pack o' fries. By the time however all the terms of negotiation left were in the form of a square piece of burger wrap with sauce and a paper cup with melted ice. I felt that the deal may turn against my situation, therefore i dropped the entire case.

Of course, my conclusion that the deal was unfavourable towards my case is also, subjective.