Wednesday, May 18, 2005

A stop in life and turning back.

Today is a good day for me to talk some thoughts. If you're reading till here and thinking:"OMG not again!!!!!" Then you'd better skip this post because it'll be all about my new thoughts.
Seems that most of my thoughts comes when i am taking a bath.

Here goes.

It's been almost 6 months since I graduated from PHS(my secondary school) and I start to wonder howmuch I have changed since I joined the school. Things that I learnt, known, and discovered. People whom I met and known throughout these years. It seems that we have taken so much from people, but it is just hard to list out what we have learnt from it.
Bah the most important thing is appreciation.Man how many times have I said this...haha.
So let me say a few words to those who gave me these little things that influenced my daily life.
Chiong- Being a real close friend!All the games, especially Starcraft, but not forgetting the math that he occasionally taught me during our school days. Not forgetting his usual sarcasm that reminds me of my stand(dun understand nevermind haha).
Zhongyan- Being a close friend, and especially during the period just before "O" levels, where we studied together in the CC with Vincent and Maria, helping out each other. He, too seems to be enthusiastic in everything.. A word for him would be a Zealot.
Jac- For being a close friend too, teaching me more about my social life, and frequent visits to Orchard which now I know that CineLeisure is near Somerset. I didn't even know what Cineleisure was before I met her...haha.And the introduction to the CC.
Zi Xuan- For DoTA, and being a good friend, playing bball too.And other games like CS too..haha.
Vincent- For reminding me that the best thing to do when stressed out is to relax(during the studing for "O"s' period).Getting "wasted" is a way to relax..hahahaha!
Maria- For showing me a different side of Singapore!And accompanying us in studying at the CC during the "O"s.
Connie-For teaching me a new phrase"LAMER SAI NI LIAN!!!!" Haha. And for asking really funny questions in class.
HuiDa- For playing basketball and the treats and invitations to all kinds of bball at 369.
Chah Yiin-For showing me that Orange is a radiant colour.. I didn't notice about it last time.
Vonn(=/E or Y i dunno.)- For being a nice sistah.LOL
Dicky- For being a nice guy. He's always giving others treats! Gentlemanly!Haha.
Sze Min-For being a really pointless monitress(spelling anyone??) and wacky classmate.
Beverly- For being a panda and making funny slap comments all the time, especially using a low voice.
Jeremy-For 2 years of Crap! And the piano version of "Ban Dao Tie He"( ½ island metal box)
Yan Shuang-For invitation to her birthday outing! Haha.
Yanni- For showing me that the piano is a beautiful thing.(I sound exaggerating?Lol)Also asks really wierd and funny questions in Mr Tan's class.
Stephanie-For showing me that there are people who can be carefree and doing whatever they want.
Sheng Rong- For showing me quietness...but I've never heard him making a din before!Haha.
Han Rong- For his unbiasedness towards everything...maybe except music haha. But he's probably's a guy who learns to appreciate others too.
Douglas-For being a really nice person sometimes! But he can get a little tipsy sometimes.
Zhengwei-For being a sometimes funny guy and teaching me that making fun of choon kiat is normal...haha!Giving the name Zuai Monk to Choon Kiat and adopting the name Sheepo.
Choon Kiat- For not being Zuai when we all call him Zuai Monk...I wonder why hahaha..
Moses- For doing really lame stuff like the Harry Potter Parody and the "Musical Chairs, Tables and Howling people(It's banging on the tables and chairs while he howls)".
Alvin Lim- For teaching me how to draw Manga!He's the Hentai King!(Joking hahaha)
Ian Fun-For letting me think the the Gunbound map "Dragon"is the best for naks!(One point of view)
Hui Si-For organising the 2G Chalet!And showing me that she can be funny one haha!
Thomson-For playing Bball and doing lots of stuff with the ball, and letting people(like me) do free throws!
Wee Hon-For talking lots of crap sometimes(Next time you see no more Nokia is Honkia.LOL)
Shawn- For Zibing! LOL. He has stressed the point that he doesn't hate me =X. Haha.
Huoy Ching-For trying to tell me that humanities isn't that bad..Lol.
Wei Loong-For being a nice guy, although sometimes he gets upset with other people's comments.
Bryan-For failing Maths with me during Sec1 years!And being a nice guy over the years too.
Weixin- For sometime crapping with us too!
Benny-For doing funny things like acting a lustrous guy just for the fun of it...LOL
Sarah-For exaggerating her comments (REALLY?! O M G!!!)And making nice cakes sold in Cold Storage.
HuiFen-For being a nice person, like 01010101010. But sometimes make fun of people randomly...hahaha.
Lim Yilin- For crapping with us and being the first person I know to have a numerical name.
Robin-For organising outings and helping to do so!
Alvin Neo-For being really funny, especially during Mr Tan's class!
Gerald- For the funny times and Nukezone rounds we've played.
NCC people-For Discipline, teamwork and CRAPNESS!!!!!!
The Grace Classes-For all the crap in 4 years! Never a boring class!!
I simply cannot continue on,because there are far too many people who've given me a lot-I'll take forever to complete it! To those who are not mentioned, it's not that you are not important but because you are one of the many who makes this world a better place!!!!!The things these people taught me are I'd have no way to credit them!
Thanks to everyone for everything over the years!

P.S. If someday I were to write a personal dictionary,I would put a new meaning of grace as"nonsensical, humor with no intention of personal attacks but general entertainment."In other words, CRAP! So an example would be like, "Hey boy, you from grace or what?"

LOL! I hope this isn't bad.

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