Monday, December 26, 2005


i've been tagged!
By Chah lol.
Ok so what i have to do is to follow the rules... hm.

Rules Of The Game:
1. post five weird/random stuffs about yourself.
2. at the end of the post, list the name of 5 people who you want next to do this.
3. leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.

So 5 weird things about me..

1. I'm listening to "1000"words [Orchestra Version] and I think it is good.
2. I am not random but people always wanna kill me(like jac and chiong and chah and zy i think in fact everyone whenever i try to say something out from my mind)
3. I have a desktop battery operated vacuum cleaner.
4. CATS should have learnt better english before confronting a captain LOL. See I think the 3rd video is also damn funny hahaha.
5. My favourite FF character is Yuna. LOL.

The song "1000" words also inspired me to write a few lines.
"If a picture speaks of a thousand words, can I paint your picture with a thousand words?
Upon this realization,
I sing your name a million times,
hoping someday you will see this picture.."

Ok here is for the other 5 people.
1. Chiong.
2. Zy.
3. Zi xuan.
4. Connie
5. Jeremy.

I have a stomachache.
See you.

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