Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Power restored, 3rd time.
Having a power trip each night since 2 days ago. That's annoying lol.
Of course, when i'm typing here it'll most probably mean that the power's back. But I hope it stays that way.

Seems that the problem wasn't from our house, but from the outside thingamajig which supplies the power into our house and where the meter is. Well, apparantly the wires there are loose. Loose Wires= sparks, sparks induce very high voltage

Which makes me wonder how come this only happened recently. How did it hold out all these years? Maybe something happened only recently.

On the other hand, the repairman came after my dad had initially tried to find the problem and fix it-He/we tried from 6-8pm. No avail. So the repairman came and checked the ELCB(Earth leakage circuit breaker, the one which cuts off your power when there is a power surge to prevent damage to electrical equipment), then checked the meter outside. Solved everything in about 10 minutes. We thanked them and paid them $60 for their services. Of course, i turned on my com and charged its battery.(Was watching Matrix reloaded on battery since i had nothing to do just now.)

At this moment, my dad came in my room. I was doing my aircon test(since i haven't turned it on for years-It smells musty, the cold air) as he told me about the serviceman. My mom remarked that it was expensive-$60 for a repair. My dad thought otherwise though. This is what he said:
"Remember, the service is only $10, but the $50 is for their experience."
Awesome. How many of us have experienced unserviced service? Repairmans who charge you a hefty sum of money without solving your problem. Or perhaps those who do a hourly charge(which i think there are not many) who take their own sweet time finding out what the problem is(or are they?). People who encountered this type of "(un)services" probably will have doubts of getting a professional to do a needed job. This blackmarks the rest of the good people, those who can really get things fixed.

Let's sidetrack.

Like said before, experience takes a lot in services. No matter what-transport, delivery, repair or whatever there is, in fact everything in life needs experience. Experience=practice. Just like our exams. My tutorial teacher(tutor?) told me that Singaporeans have a bad studying attutide. They don't do their work normally, but when the exams approaches, all the lectures that they attend are those which will provide exam tips.

Exam tips. In theory it seems and supposed to have been more of a tiny bit of help which will help you boost your marks, or get a pass. Exam tips nowadays are different. No more little bit of help, here comes the chapters that are coming out! Study them!

Hard to say and in practical, this is "insensible". I would've used a much stronger word(compelled to), but I cannot, since this is my own personal view. I am sure many out there oppose of this thinking that exam tips < exams="100%," style="FONT-SIZE: 130%; COLOR: #6666cc">expected to be able
to do things.

"What? Diploma in Electricial Engineering cannot do this simple things? What do they teach you in poly?"

Where am i getting to anyway...

So, most important point of this side( digression )tracking is that when we learn something, don't just memorise it. Understand it.
That wasn't my whole point, wasn't it? HAHA

Well, just forget this post. Just for laughs lol.

Monday, January 16, 2006

One fine day...

In the wilderness, a few young ones who studied in the dead or treants association decided on something new.

nedrawdarB(ah B), their class rep stomped happily.
*Enthusiasm from a part of the class*
*Arthas waves hand enthusiastically*
Arthas: Ah B memememme i got something me me mememememememmmmmmm
Ah B: Yes art(arthas) what do you want.
Art: I wan the back of the shirt to have flowers
There was a ruffled silence, as units within a radius of 300 who heard him turned towards and stared at him. Silence(d).
Ah B: Yeah thanks so much for that contribution. Anyone else who have any ideas?
Random guy A: Why don't we get plate mail instead of a stupid shirt?
Rand Guy B: Yeah like totally~~~ duh shirts~~~duhhh!*makes eric cartman's act retarded face*
Ah B: -.- wtf.
RGC: Ah B we can't get shirts it won't work out.
Ah B: And why?
RGC: Think about it. How many can actually wear it normally? I don't think i can.
RGC turned out to be bianneru sinasas.
Ah B:Yeah, when he starts to have his spiked carapace it'll rip his shirt apart.
RGC: Don't forget that little rock.
Ah B:Yeah, but what does he think he is? The incredible hulk? Growing so large.
RGC: We have to work out how to make these shirts stick on their bodies too. If that silkywoody does her stupid swap she'll end up without a shirt. The 3 mad bros too. Blowing up a shirt isn't wise, especially when they blow themselves up too.
Ah B: Yeah. We'll get something else.


Thursday, January 12, 2006




Waited for guys to play dota since early evening...but in the end no game.
well actually there was, but no more spirit power left. Exhausted liao.

Yan Zhong man. Never feel so sianed for a long time lol.(At least i still have the spirit to type "lol" lol.)

..........................................................................................<(= sianed feeling

Oh ya. i think locke sianed of dota till he wanna quit
Maybe we all shoud try something else.
I wanna play CS or battlefield old versions since my com cannot support battlefield 2.
Or something. Really bored nowadays!
Help me! lol.

exhausted of the spirit to type correctly, type l*l even, myb evn tpe nrml wrds n nn this manr





Monday, January 09, 2006

Wonders of the world

I wondered about this.
I wonder if you guys also wondered about this.
It's not much of a wonder if you think practically, but it'd be fun to wonder how it can possible.


Anyway what i was thinking about was Dota's items. Like how it works.
For example. Crystyls(how do you spell that thing). How does it allow critical hits?

It a sword i think. So it shouldn't work for ranged heroes. How come ranged heroes still have critical when they carry it? lol.
Maybe the crysalksgj;lajgiasgs is like a light saber, and the critical shot is when it penetrates the enemy's armor. So light arrows are made with the battery from the light saber. (lol.)

And the basher. Having more bashers give you more chance to stun enemies. Maybe bashers are hung around the weapon of the user. But for range, they probably attached a piece of blue cloth of the handle and swing it about. Who knows.

Another wonder. Where do the gloves of haste go when you form power treads? I mean all you get are a pair of treads, which somehow allowed you to move faster, but attack faster too? Maybe the treads are so light thye make you feel energetic so you swing and attack faster.

Lastly, how come a twig gives you strength, agility and intelligence? Like holding a twig makes anybody intelligent. Maybe holding it will induce creativity in the person, at the same time use it as a shield and maybe it's anti-matter, which take away weight and makes you faster.


Saturday, January 07, 2006

Type practice

It's been some time since i did some typing.
Here goes practice.
Maybe a digression on yesterday's events first.. Well. Field Effect Transistors aren't confusing if you don't think why they existed. Just do the question with the formula and values given, everything should be okay.
I hope. I'm still feeling a bit worried about this year.

Anyway, digression #2. Went to SP(i won't bother saying what SP means although typing that is shorter that this sentence yeah.) yesterday and played badminton and touched the basketball. Funny it seems my arms become weaker. I can't throw a ball like before. Anyway then i was playing badminton. That was quite first we were playing 1v1 side by side, then we decided to play cross badminton(The pair we crossed was connie and zr or something). Imagine the time when we crossed them, connie got confused between the two shuttlecocks. Well maybe it was quite dark and stuff and she has night blindness. Lol. Anyway she was shouting as usual. What a Akasha.
After the short sport, dinner at Food Haven(The restaurant lol). They gave us free pink juice(what's that called?) and siew mai. Not that i can eat it anyway, lol. Then as usual, funny questions from someone("this one free one?"). Lol. Especially when the lady who served our food said it earlier on. Much worse coming up.

-Outside the toilet of the restaruant-
i decided to take my weight.
Before eating- 63kg
After eating - 65kg
2 kg eaten. How come?haha.
Then we asked connie to try.

That girl stomped on the weighing scale.

What the hell. lol. Anyway this indian guy near us started to stare at her. I bet she'd probably broke the weighing scale. After all, a weighing scale is to weigh, not to stomp. Let's all get a stomping scale for her on her birthday. Oh a scream-o-meter, MADE IN AKASHA, USA.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Year 2006

I feel very down...
My mom just went to see the fortune teller. I have a very very bad year ahead...I feel damn scared now.
Oh ya. The fortune teller is very accurate. The one who predicted that i was going to get whacked last year(2005) around June(i think).
Apparantly, I'm in serious trouble this year. (惹到官公) or smt...
Scary man.

It doesn't end here.
Apparantly my exam results will be very very terrible...My EOY results furthermore.
I have to work hard.


This just happened yesterday.

I realised that i have 2 connections at the same time. A bug i guess...since they're of the same everything, just a duplicate of another.

Then i wondered..

Do multiple connections allow a faster connection? LOL. I know it all depends on the cable connection(starhub), but maybe the wireless connection is more stable that way...
Well, it's okay if it isn't.

Then they should do something like this, at least.


Another thing.

Well, I saw the chinese horoscope for this year.I'll try to post it up here.

Dragon in the Year of Dog 2006

Shui Po (岁破), Da Hao(大耗), Yue En(月恩).
Avoid marriage, losing personal items and financial losses.
The Dragon is energetic and possesses superb leadership qualities. He is over suspicious and do not trust people easily. Perhaps, he has been faced betrayal before. When dealing with problems, they dare to take risk and strive for success. They are independent and have a sharp analytical mind. Have own thinking. He is inquisitive and keen to learn new things. In life, they pay attention to fame, fortune and outlook. Their management skills are good especially dealing with human relations. Most Dragons are witty and courageous. Generous is nature. In their life, they are abounding in gifts of nature. No matter which profession he engages in, is always a smooth success. If they make a reckless move, it may sometimes be successful or otherwise. As for love aspect, men and women have plentiful of admirers or suitors. In finance managing, money utilization is weak but they have their own principle of making money.
The best union is the Dragon and the Rat. The Rat admires the Dragon’s achievement and can
endure the Dragon’s arrogant character. The Rat’s judgment will help the Dragon to make very good decisions. The Dragon with the Snake is a good combination as the Snake’s sense of humor can soften the Dragon’s arrogance. The Dragon can borrow the Monkey’s sly character and things will be smooth as well. It is not a good match between the pessimistic dog and the Dragon as the Dog does not trust the Dragon.
This year the Dragon indirectly clashes with the God Of Year. There are bad constellations. All investment plans must slow down and endure patiently. Avoid groundbreaking and marriage ceremonies. If one must marry this year, you need to wear a unicorn phoenix amulet to ward off ill effects. Be careful of losing personal items and financial losses. Small investments activities are feasible in Summer and Winter. Beware of lawsuits in Spring and Autumn. Friends will not assist
much therefore one has to work doubly hard to achieve success. It is best to stay put this year and wait for a better opportunity to come in the next year.
Stay conservative this year. Business partnerships may turn out unsuccessful. Beware of conflicts which will result in financial and friendship loss. The situation for this year is like an illusion, empty and not solid. In the end, there is nothing. Do not be blinded by greed.
Fortune Luck
Luck is not favorable for those born in the year of Dragon. The appearance of the bad constellation secretly causes financial imbalance. There will be unexpected wealth (lucky draw, 4D, Toto) in Winter season. You may want to bet on some numbers. If you decide to do some gambling on board the ship or casinos. It is advisable to find out the auspicious positions and numbers.
As the Dragon indirectly clashes with God Of Year this year, one has to pay attention to the health. If you have small ailments, do not ignore and have it treated immediately. Avoid activities like swimming and mountain trekking. Do not feast during business entertainment. It is best to do more exercise and take more nutritious food. Going on a tour is good as it helps to relieve stress.
There will be a lot of obstacles in the relationship for Dragon this year. You must be able to give and take. Maintain an amiable temperament and both of you will get along well or not, you will end up losing the relationship. It is very difficult to seek a bosom partner so treasure the relationship. The Peach Blossom constellation will appear in lunar calendar August.

The Dragon student must work doubly hard this year. Do not linger with friends around night
entertainment places as it may lead to neglected studies. Seek advice from teachers if you encounter difficulties in studies. There is a lucky constellation that will help in the year end examinations and it is possible to yield good results if you put in more effort.
Ways to avoid disasters
Visit to seek for answers or email Master Gwee @ for guidance.
Auspicious Months
Lunar Calendar July, August and November.
Inauspicious Months
Lunar Calendar February, March, September and December.

For those who are not of a the Chinese Horoscope's Dragon, you can get the other reading from me. MSN me. haha.
