Thursday, February 23, 2006


Oh ya... I think that i too should have a critic blog(read vincent's. damn funny) haha.


Ok this anime is nice, admit it. Unless you are a violence, action blockbusting psycho killing war freaking drug addiction lover, this anime series can appeal to you. In the near future, humans invented "persocons" which are really PDAs which can walk and talk and do what they like actually. "Chobits" are a series of persocons which are rumored to be different, but i forgot how different. Anyway it's about how a human falls in love with a persocon, was warned not to at the start, hears opinions on persocon-human relationships, then confuses the anime viewers with what is happening near the end, but wraps everything up with a nice touching ending.

It's nice, go watch it.

Maybe i should do something like this. It's damn fun, no wonder vonny and vincent did it(V&V LOL).

In fact, i shall start now.


Before anyone makes any judgements, look at the picture and the words at the same time. I find that short statement freaking funny lol... It's crude and clear statement contradicts well with it's picture to make it funny and sacarstic(in some way, go figure).. LOL. The one who created it must be really creative HAHA.

Also, here are some other avatars. I make some for fun.


Personally i kinda like this one, although i made it myself. Of course, I can't use it. Rip it off if you wanna mod or do whatever to it.


If someone gave you this look you'll be wondering if it's your shirt, or your hair's in a mess. Maybe it's the new watch you bought which she knows you're going to talk about the whole day, or simply she wants personal thinkspace of her own without interruption, while pretending to listen as she ponders if pepper and chilli works on the annoying zombie dogs. Probably thinking "chilli hotdogs taste good anyway".
Put this when you're feeling a little grouchy, or to show that you love Silent Hill =D.

Shake it

This isn't self explanatory, neither is it really explainable, but I like this pic. For hashbrown lovers. Shake it, shake shake it.

More to come when I feel like putting it..heheh.


Look at "vonne's blog.

Can't help but say that I think she changed a lot. She seems like she settled down, like some of us..
I think that humans change a lot from birth to death. When we were young, we(well, most of us) are inquisitive, curious and innocent. "What is" would be the our phrase of the day.
As we go into start of the teens age, we start to pick up interest in the opposite sex. Like talking about relationships, BGR, making fun of each other about partners.
Hey, I guess we're all also doing that now haha. Girls then talk about the hottest idols(i guess), stars etc while guys go on about their games, dominant behaviour in young lil boyzzz. Mostly they won't mix with girls too much since their classmates would talk about them being together. Soccer after school, CCA and stuff, those were the little "us" times!

Then came the washing machine.

Reality spun us around, washes us all over like a washing machine washes clothes. However, washing here may just define the "action of repeatedly cleaning (us)".

What is the cleaning?

Is the "cleaning" clean in the first place?

Soon, we grew a little from the lil generation into the "start to mature please" stage. Pressure is given to us by parents-"work hard, dun keep playing", some teachers enforce order and authoritical pressure on students(so that they do not mess with them) and makes sure that students follow the rules and law.
What is/are the law and rules defined here? They're all by humans before us. Humans are setting goals for the future descendents to follow..

Sorry major digression there.

Anyway i was saying that the sista kinda "settled" down(read her tone in her blog). Humans when young, want to see the world.Young people want to show the world. People when old just accept life.
You see, it seems like humans gradually gave up our enthusiasm in the world. We used to discover change, now we're making change, in the future we'll just be accepting change.

Going round in circles again, am I. ha.

It feels like some of us already stopping "making changes". Everyday, we do our duty, go home or maybe have fun, then rest. cycle. not many seemed to care about our surroundings anymore..

what the hell. the point of this entry, anyway, is....
vonny seems to be more matured.
Sorry "matured" is a wrong word; I feel that maturity cannot be defined.
Well, I'm sure all of us turns cynical around this point of time. Maybe we should try to change that phenomenon...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Wouldn't it be nice...
If we can just watch the sky...
And have no worries in life.


I find myself asking this question over time.
p.s. my favourite MS character LOL

Monday, February 20, 2006


Which is better? Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox?
I don't know, because I've never used Firefox before.

Now it's so kinda boring. Nothing much to do cause everybody is offline(can't play dota in the morning i guess) except for alan, who does his usual "CAT EAT FISH" thing LOL.

Well, at least he came up with a new one.

That's my friend(and yours), our teammate, ES on top lane, your "saint", "sotong", jas' "alanny~~~~~~~", and ex NCC fellow cadet. haha see what he is doing now too LOL.
I guess the new world is this. Humans are evolving humor(human humor i mean), where each generation seems to be of different "topic". I find the younger generation's sTyLo wOrDs wHicH iN eXaMpLe like ЋЉЩЖҐ…ℓфз∫∞≠™№●◊◦, which i think most people will have a hard time reading it-"what does it mean?!".
Then again ours isn't much better. We have people like jeremy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
oo man that was some funny guy LOL. Jeremy is the C-rapper, the Mr 50 rapper C. I still remember the comment given to him by someone(jean or jas)- "jeremy u look like the emoticon always repeat the actions"
speaking of jas and jean i remember what jeremy or alan had said in the past.
but not really true now huh hahaha. Oh ya, connie's naix not bad haha. Must be the power of love that pushed her powers higher LOL. zhirong's powers are not to be messed with..

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A quote-on

I have come up with a continuation of a famous quote.

Life is like a box of chocolates..
But you can't eat the box.