Thursday, February 23, 2006


Oh ya... I think that i too should have a critic blog(read vincent's. damn funny) haha.


Ok this anime is nice, admit it. Unless you are a violence, action blockbusting psycho killing war freaking drug addiction lover, this anime series can appeal to you. In the near future, humans invented "persocons" which are really PDAs which can walk and talk and do what they like actually. "Chobits" are a series of persocons which are rumored to be different, but i forgot how different. Anyway it's about how a human falls in love with a persocon, was warned not to at the start, hears opinions on persocon-human relationships, then confuses the anime viewers with what is happening near the end, but wraps everything up with a nice touching ending.

It's nice, go watch it.

Maybe i should do something like this. It's damn fun, no wonder vonny and vincent did it(V&V LOL).

In fact, i shall start now.


Before anyone makes any judgements, look at the picture and the words at the same time. I find that short statement freaking funny lol... It's crude and clear statement contradicts well with it's picture to make it funny and sacarstic(in some way, go figure).. LOL. The one who created it must be really creative HAHA.

Also, here are some other avatars. I make some for fun.


Personally i kinda like this one, although i made it myself. Of course, I can't use it. Rip it off if you wanna mod or do whatever to it.


If someone gave you this look you'll be wondering if it's your shirt, or your hair's in a mess. Maybe it's the new watch you bought which she knows you're going to talk about the whole day, or simply she wants personal thinkspace of her own without interruption, while pretending to listen as she ponders if pepper and chilli works on the annoying zombie dogs. Probably thinking "chilli hotdogs taste good anyway".
Put this when you're feeling a little grouchy, or to show that you love Silent Hill =D.

Shake it

This isn't self explanatory, neither is it really explainable, but I like this pic. For hashbrown lovers. Shake it, shake shake it.

More to come when I feel like putting it..heheh.

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