Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Hey I'm just thinking that always worry too much about things. Because i'll be like "ono die what if i fail this exam" but i pass, or like [An enemy has chosen Phantom Assassin] "omg pa gg", when actually we win most of the time. I've got more rubbish worries too.
I just read Huida's blog and he said stuff like "been here for 18 years" and i thought- Actually we're all young noobs on this earth. 18 years compared to the earth's age is like nothing. We didn't see evolution or anything, but we just lived along it for 18 years and never wondered about anything, but i waste more than 8 years daydreaming about stuff like "what if there are ETs" or "did humans already exist before dino ages" or "is there actually anything behind the mirror?"
Stuff like that. Yeah.
So i use the "18 years only" statement to check and pull me back to reality.
But i think my biggest worry will be "WHAT IF I DON'T GET MARRIED?"

Really big issue this is.
1) Nobody's gonna cook and it's a itch under the sole to eat out.
2) Gotta wash my own clothes unless i get a mariah to do so. (Mariah...LOL)
3) I vacuum the floor only when my floor feels dusty or when there are really wierd stuff.(Like little wood pellets???)
4) Nobody to crap with.

See the importance of a partner?

Nah just kidding about most of the other parts.. but it stupidly worries me still.

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