Saturday, August 19, 2006

Men and women

I was eating linner ( or dunch, but linner sounds more correct.) when i thought about this.

People have this sterotyping(or whatever the word is, ftw) about men being gung-ho while women to be shy and demure and what nonsense. By "sterotype" i mean that it seems everyone thought so, which i don't know if this fact is true or not so i use "sterotype".

Then I was thinking. Funny, seems like the nice guys dun attract the nice girls. Why oh why? Let's have a look at TV dramas. Eh wierd leh, the guy do so much for her, she falls in love with him. How come real life cannot arh?


Cause it's TV. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I remember in the past there was this sterotype that women are weaker than men and they need protection. This is damn funny, i tell you. Oh so they are so weak but can still give birthto soft little babies? Then men = stronger than women = give birth to huge fatty rocks?

Nubcorns NO. I dun nubcorn think so.

Nah men's butt will just burst. Science has (or perhaps, cause i thought so) proven that women are physically weaker than men. Are they mentally weaker too? Like the media always shows the women hurting from broken relationships and stuff dunno whatever while the man dun seem to be that wrecked. Funny sterotypes again.

I think I shall use "nubcorn" as a swear word instead of "fuck" or whatnots. But first, we have to shorten the word. 7 letters, perhaps down to 6 or 5.



Hm. " Y that guy is so nubcon stupid? techie buy 6 meka."

Complete replacement!

Ok back to the topic. I think women can be stronger than men too. Let us put this in an example.
Firstly, I think that women are physically weaker most probably due to their size being smaller than men. Does it make it weaker? Nah. They can be small and fast. Ants are strong. Really strong. I can't carry 650 Kg for nuts.
So, I say that women are like agility heroes(in DotA).
Men are physically bigger, which also makes them look strong. Don't get me wrong, this does not mean they are weak. They just have the looks too.
Men = strength heroes.(same game)
Then there are the people who don't exercise(like me) who slack like a person who slacks like me. They dun exercise and some of them are called nerdzx.
Some men and women = Intelligence heroes.

Ok. In DotA, the most basic ranking in terms of power, being able to win another hero and survive is of as follows.
Intel heroes win early game, Agility heroes in the middle of the game and Strength heroes being the last. Although I would daresay that agility and strength are about the same, both mid and early. But there are a few exceptions of intelligence heroes which dominate in the late game.

See? Can you say that women are weaker than men? Hard to say. Perhaps most people have looked at too much things from one side. We need to be open to change and new ideas.

Which reminds me.
What in this world is free from exceptions?

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