Thursday, May 03, 2007


I'm really doing nothing now in the lab. Feeling quite pissed off that my supervisor asked me to come back today and he isn't around when he told me to come back today and tomorrow. when i asked him what i have to do today(he called my hp yesterday) he didn't tell me much.

god damn it

total waste of time. i can't do anything in the lab. school blocked alot of websites(like forums and yahoo! answers even?)


Why the hell would the school want to block yahoo answers? In case students ask the people their homework on Y!A? if that's the case studs can go home and ask which makes no diff.
I think someone told me that the school server blocks a website automatically if it is visited too frequently. I hope that isn't the case because it is quite ridiculous to think about it. they might as well cut off access to internet if it was that case.

dammit. have to find some way to spend time + cool up.

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