Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Singapore countdo\/\/n: 10

-so much to say but nothing to tell-

That's how i'm feeling. Went to celebrate yanshuang's birthday yesterday(happy birthday and thanks yanshuang!!!) and meet people i haven't seen in a long time like eugene(LOL!) huida shawn weixin alvinS zhongyan jeremy and chiong(did i miss out anyone?)! The girls are yanshuang, yanni, steph belly chah zhang mei weiling chilli jean magdalene despina wan xuan and jac.

which means all the girls LOL.

Wanted to talk cock but very tired. Had fun making fun of eugene as usual and i realised one thing.

When guys eat, they don't talk. Girls do.
Guys talk only when they finished eating. Girls still do.
The NS guys talk about NS alot like all other ns guys except chiong(he doesn't talk about NS that passionately, but still do).
Huida and i were playing metal slug 6 via PSP(borrowed psp from jac- thanks juk!) which was quite funny.
huida:"eh zw u die already arh?"
me:"no la it's you"
then we looked at each other's screen and realised we dced.
It was alright after that stage but i exited the game accidentally(o.O). damn.

Jeremy was like saying "fuck" everywhere he went. E.g. *sits down on chair* Jam:"Fuck."
For no reason.

hahahahahahahahhahhahahhahaHAAHHAHAHAHAAHAHHHA!!!!!!!(sorry if you don't find the crude jokes funny)
And zhongyan was on a happy spree at there. But maybe not cause i don't think there is enough for him. A full man is a happy man lol.

The funny thing was nearing dessert the girls noticed and said:"eh you all guys never get drinks arh?"

Silence. Guess not lol.

So i said never mind cause chrysenthanum tea(how the hell do you spell it!?) was healthy.
Then yanni said something like:"We got lime juice."
-_- -.- .
Is cold lime juice healthy? I don't know. Maybe it is for her. Silly girl.

After having lunch the girls went into full camera order(FCO) and started taking pics.
Yanshuang started taking random photos with us there, like how random photos look like(i dont have the pics now).

Then we sang happy birthday for yanshuang, cut cake and ate. I think guys are shy to eat cake (dunno why?)

Anyway. Took a big group photo. I think this is the first time we celebrated with so many people we needed 2 tables hahahaha. The more the merrier! I suggested splitting half girls and guys so that the guys can eat more but the girls said they can do it too.

After that they had a random urge(urge?) to cycle. YAY!!!!!! cycling is like FTW, besides bowling. We went to east coast to cycle and chiong (thanks man)generously drove us there. In chiong's car there was weiling zhang mei alvin cheo chiong and me. chiong sent alvin cheo back.

weiling had to change cause she was wearing a skirt so she had to go home to change while we(chiong and i) waited downstairs.
weiling:"very fast one!"

Yeah. She was quick enough to let chiong do a 3-point-turn, reverse park nicely, read the street directory on how to go to east coast, put his bag behind, unfasten his seat belt and slack around for a very SHORT time before they came down.

We tried to persuade chiong to come but he don't want. So stubborn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 lol.

Toilet for girls is like waiting to play LAN for sec sch kids- the queue seems to be there forever. Probably cause they take a longer time to finish their business. Guys do business like vending machines, very fast. Pee, wash hands and go. Or do a haircheck (for some guys)too?

So off we went to cycle and i learnt something at there- Never let yanni cycle in front. She's "in her own dreamland" when she cycles, the way you try to not let opponents in a racing competiton to take over. 1 bicycle taking up 2 lanes. Some of the more adventurous passerby cyclists overtook her but we know better than to do I won't say much about belly wee. Yanni's cycling is like belly wee.

Halfway through zhangmei fell and ankle-sprained herself, which we ended up using a doublecycle(whatever you call that). It's damn stable but hard to turn, which means i can't do half-butt cycling.

Which also means IT feels uncomfortable. But anyway after cycling a had a headache and didn't feel like eating dinner, so i just had coleslaw.

Oh another realisation. i think 4G girls like fast food outlets. wtf!

It's the last day I'm doing this project, even though it isn't taken into considersation for my overall year3 sem 1 results, i still wanna wrap up what i have done. [sounds like a speech HAHA] 9 more days to leaving Singapore and won't be back for 3months. I'm already missing Singapore! lol.

Not to mention my secondary school friends, PKS(temple) friends, poly friends, family and maybe *hub. Feels wierd to be missing people when they are already right in front of you LOL. Maybe i'm silly and stupid too.

Suddenly i thought about chiong now. When he went to UK for 6 months. Probably feeling the same sianed feeling, except that i volunteered to go to China.

Ok enough EMO stuff(i got more but dunno what to say). Hope you guys have a happy and crazy 3 months as usual in Singapore!

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