Thursday, March 31, 2005


Wow. Suddenly i like doing simple maths....must have been witchcraft at work.
Never mind about this.

Argh. Elmo said he can right click on his blog...I can't! I think he's lying or doing something wierd.....haha

Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Has anyone thought about what a psychopath is?
Go check this out..
Yep, i was linked to Antisocial Personality Disorder when i searched for psychopath.
Then i read on...
And went to "Jack The Ripper".
...Wow. He's wierd.
Elaborate on it later.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Numbered days...

Not only numbered, in fact it's tomorrow......

My last day of working in the office.

How do i put it....feels very sudden! Although i foresee myself becoming bored for being jobless... But i'll have time for more games.... Haha.

Oh yeah i'd like to comment on the song "CAROLS" by Ayumi Hamasaki. Wonderful song. What more can i say.....hmm...

It's a sad song i think....but beautiful! That's why i like it.

Well "INSPIRE" was nice too....very catchy and "dancy".
Ok the whole album is actually very good!

Haha i sounds like some poorly english-educated person typing a review for Ayumi's new album... Hope i'm not doing injustice in giving such comments. Argh what rubbish am i talking about.

Suddenly i thought of a person....How are you. [I feel dumb.] Wish i can talk to you now! Oh yes... Sorry i misunderstood your message. I think i'm becoming dumb(especially for talking to nobody out there.) The person probably don't even know i have a blog i guess....haha.

Well, numbered are the days where my freedom is locked. Just hope i don't enter a second prison.

The prison of boredom.

And despair.

Someone save me.....

Monday, March 28, 2005


I read chiong's blog just now. Just realised that everybody had sent their presents over to chiong BUT me.



Can't help feeling left out.

I wish someone had told me about this.

Hope Chiong's not angry..

Saturday, March 26, 2005

ARGHHHHH Posted by Hello
This is how i feel after reading something.




Ok one phrase to describe my feeling...

What the helllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Argh.

\ /
o o

Noo ASCII art is crap here.


Friday, March 25, 2005

Oh i forgot...

Went to play basketball with thomson they all. Last match they played was exciting....but hard to describe.

Very nice....glad to see it.

Oh ok!

Chah just told me that she didn't like the name sashimi. Then i'll call her chah again.


Hey sorry chah no hard feelings. just dunno that u didn't like the name. Yep.

Wah lau

Wah lau....
Just now, after having dinner with moo, cherwei and thomson, i proceeded home.
Just as i was walking along the pathway, i reached the traffic junction.
I raised my head (to look out for cars) then right in front of me acarjustzoomedpastandcrashedintoanothercarwaitingtoturnintoanotherroad.
It was just zoom bang.
Then the owners came out....the green man too....and i crossed the road.
then i came home.

The End.

Actually what i was trying to stress was that i saw an accident right in front of me. Luckily no one died.

Hanging around orchard. Posted by Hello

No random picture

Argh how to post easy pics?!


Random Thought

Hey i thought of this one up when i was watching a show...
A mother and her children were in a car moving on the highway. They were homeless (don't ask me why.) and were looking for somewhere to go.
"Are we lost?" asked the children.
Their mother who was driving thought for a while, then replied:"We aren't."
"But we've been driving around for days!You haven't tell us when we're getting off!" The children insisted.
Their mother made a sudden stop at the shoulder lane. She got off the car with the children and said:" We aren't lost. We know where we want to go right?"
"But we're going nowhere! You said that we're looking for somewhere which will keep us!"
Fortunately, their mother was patient enough to explain.
"Kids, we're not lost. Being lost is not having a goal, or a destination in mind. We have a place where we want to go, so how can we be lost?" The patient mother smiled at her children.


I like leaving lots of space.

I guess the same goes to us(The story). Sometimes we find ourselves "lost", being not able to reach our destination in expected time. But as long as we know where we want to go, we'll someday reach there.

Wow does it sound philosophical?



Sunday, March 13, 2005


Really sorry jac. Don't know what's gotton into me. Didn't know anyone would bother about me or come here... Really sorry.. hope you'll forgive me. I know there's no excuse to say anything else.. but ... Never mind. Just feel that my life's screwed. Jac, i'm sorry for ruining your mood..


I'm feeling damn confused. That's all.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Just a thought.

Just a thought...why do people talk crap?
Cause life is boring without it.
Damn. How to post pics without photobucket.?

Thursday, March 03, 2005

oh yay...

Hehe... actually today was quite a crappy day. But great haha.. Work was quite dull in the morning, till we slacked and i secretly went to search for domo-kun, zhongyan's i also went to or something (forgot the web). it was total mayhem...the site was funny. Anyway, was quite happy to know that chah isn't angry with me... i expected her to be really really angry with me.... yay! She isn't.
Feeling really happy now... cause she not angry! hahha.
by the way i remembered.... that [HESS]The AIs guy on [HESS]SINGAPORE SERVER said that "a good cat is a stir fried cat". hahahaha what the hell is that. lol
Life at work
Jacqueline lee tomorrow never come... lol. Guess doug and hanrong will be quite happy... cause lesser work. Wow. i too realised yesterday that jac lee was 1 year older than my sis.. whoa. Feels like her position was quite high, she's quite young. She said she can be my sister... damn true. Hahaha...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


what's wrong man. why does everyone ignore me, or my calls.. is there something wrong with me? why must i always be alone? Is it really hard to pick up my call and just talk to me....
Maybe i'm very annoying. sorry. i didn't realise until now that not a single person actually needs me as a friend.. sorry for troubling all of you. never done a right thing in my life... especially with friends. i feel like i don't have a single friend who will care to talk to me... can anyone tell me what the hell is wrong. my primary school friends, my secondary school friends.... i don't think even one would care if i drop dead right now. i feel like a scourge.. making others' life miserable. just damned wish someone would even care if i'm alive..

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Hai.. just read shimi's blog. What she wrote was quite true.. maybe there some things that we didn't tell her.. she'd obviously have discovered that. Why things turned out this way.. Actually there isn't anything that we're hiding from her.. we're just making fun of her. I really hope that she'll get better.. unless she's already "joined" the cynical club..Nevermind. Welcome shimi.. you're not alone =). I guess everyone hides things from most people, especially cynical people. It can't be helped- You can't trust anyone after you've become cynical..hard to explain. The worse thing is that it's like a cancer that grows within.. nobody but yourself can see it...
Point is, don't worry shimi, you're not alone. i feel like an loyal cynic club member since a few years ago.. Don't stress yourself out- cause there's definitely someone who cares. Don't worry..
you can trust me. i hope you'll do.
Relax, let it go and take care shimi.