Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Jac gave me a reply as a testimonial lol. But nobody give me mushy stuff still lol...Nevermind about mushy stuff haha. I think only good looking guys are entitled to mushy testimonials hahaha. Guess I'm out.
On another note, I seemed to be able to follow today's lesson on electric circuits! Like the Kirchoff's Voltage and Current laws.. what the hell!! They're just laws not formulas! And i thought there was some formula to it...
Wait i forgot how to solve those type of questions...haha. I'll have to look through it again.
And something new learned today. Voltage and current sources have internal resistances, placed in series and parallel respectively. So to convert them you have to remember this, and the equation "V=IR", you can solve most of the problems(that is related to the above mentioned topic, of course).

One last thing I realised.
Zero is the compliment of Infinity.
Which means, Anything divides by zero is Infinity, so Anything divided by Infinity will be zero.

I didn't know that until today..LOL

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