Monday, June 06, 2005


Haha...I didn't know Yvonne read my blog until now! I kept thinking that no one actually sees the content since it's always (or mostly) boring. But Yvonne evidently (or at least) scanned through and made an effort to quote! Yay! someone who replies in the comments!
Thanks sista.
And, you're a tickle yourself. I read the "convent" part ahaha. I think it's because of the way you hold yourself so people who know you roughly subconsciously catergorise you in the "Convent" side.

But I wish to stress that I don't blog a lot or read a lot so I don't know much of what's going on haha.. Pardon my outdatedness.

Credits for holding up a 4G site! Spread the link around.
4Grace blog with pictures!
Hey if anyone have pictures too kindly share them..haha.

Ok. So who's interested in what I learnt today!!!! Nobody I guess.
AutoCAD - Pressed the function keys(F1-F12) but did not press F8 onwards. It does a lot of funny stuff.
- Drawing lines with commands!
- Circles! Self learned.
- Arcs! Self learned a part of it.
So in the end I made a mess out of the program drawing patterns.
Engineering circuits!!! Where we learn binary stuff.
It is quite fun. Like getting out of a maze by tracing with a pencil as I did in primary school days.
Anyway till now I'm still playing DoTA. Computer Warcraft 3 game.
And losing a lot more than winning. Haha.

Anyway thanks for commenting! Lol.

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