Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Que sara(or sera?)

When I was just a little ah cat
I ask XtremeMoo/ah chiong/teh barney/miyabi
What should I pick?
Should I take PA,
Or should i repick?
That's what he said to me
Que Sara Sara <(-------------------------What does this mean actually?
Whatever will be will be
The future's not for us to be
Use Random, -ap..
Go random, -ap..

Isn't technology wonderful?
No I don't think I'll say anything about it. I don't feel like saying anything about it LOL.
I'm looking forward to the chalet- Slacking is so fun haha!
How do you check the number of people who visited this site anyway? I'm guessing a single digit LOL. I feel drained of energy to talk haha. Must be the dota match. Also don't feel like talking about it(We lost lol).

Yes the chalet! I hope everybody will go. The more the merrier, and more people=havoc=2grace. We should uphold a grace for truth.
--=More DOTA crap=--
Chiong is in Malaysia, and I don't like Axe. But chiong's not here, so Axe is way too annoying.LOL.
=End of DOTA crap=
Watch "Decline of video gaming". It's a little funny, but i think the "Tomorrow's Nobodies" episodes are funnier but more racisive(???) and crap and rubbish humor..haha

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