Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Chiong's going back in a few days..
But he's coming back next year. We shall all wait for Chiong!
And Await His News.
I'm very interested to know what happens on over there lol..Seems that different countries have different cultures.
Like the great glass kitchen. Ask chiong what it's about LOL. I don't think This can happen to us cause we go home every day to our parents and can't do such crazy and out-of-the-law stuff. Maybe Korea permitted it.LOL. Still, it's madness to do such things.
Thoughout the holidays, we played DoTA and Diablo 2. Of course DoTA was fun..Chiong was using some new heroes. Diablo 2 as usual. I got pawned using assassin.
Wait. How do you spell "pawn" in computer terms to refer to someone being thrashed? Like those L337 Computer H4X00RZ always like to say. Maybe not the haxxors lol.
P.s. Haxoors probably means hackers. Hahaha i always thought that it was funny lololo HAXORZ what a name. Like taxons.(Giant tuby worms in Animorphs.)

Did you notice something? Omg I'm digressing all the way! Never going back on track.
Well I shall fight for my stand(What stand?I don't know..). Look at the topic! It's "Lol". So there is no main topic actually(or there is, which is laugh out loud?HAH! like that lolol)
So no main topic=no main road=sidetrack is no prob lol.
Yeah. Back to the previous topic.(contradicting myself hahaha)
I also realise that i type with a speed and accuracy that is beyond my imagination. I can actually type "night" wrongly. What's wrong with me. Haha. And i'm slowing down in typing..most probably no practice.. But I feel damn wierd. Like suddenly half the keys on the keyboard are alien to me.. The places are unfamiliar.
omg. AD typed as "AS"."Also" as "awso". "W" and "L" are so far away haha.
Well. So something interesting i learnt lol.
Since i'm now having
Let me type this before i forget lol.
Huida has an interesting rule for using the F word. hahaha
Here goes.
Huida's F rule.
1.)The F word is used in a way such that you use it to describe something negative. Strictly negative lol.
E.G. F***ing school.
He then said that that is because education is bad hahahahahaha.
So then he stated 1) F*** cannot be used for good things like "wah the food is F***ing nice" lol.
Well that must be all haha. Gues it's huida's universal rule of F***.
So anyway, I was saying that i learned Buddhsim on sundays now again. Last week's topic was on death. Stuff like what happens when you are dying(what you see,feel etc) and what to do.
Naturally random questions popped out. One was the one about the black moth. Some believed that if there is a black moth at a funeral, it is most probably the dead spirit which returned. We asked if that was true.
Then my teacher said like : "Oh.. You know the celestial beings.. some have clairvoyance powers. Which means that they can see your past, past life etc. So sometimes when they may come down to earth too. Some people said like when they talked to the moth it will respond to their questions like "are you my father? if you are then land on my left hand*Hands raised*" The celestial being got clairvoyance, so can respond correctly to the questions and land(land lolol) correctly."

There was a brief moment of silence then all of us were like "HUH?!" lol.

He explained that sometimes celestial beings see that we have a funeral and grieve for our lost ones...so they come down act as the deceased lol. He said that they play with humans ("why like that one! hahahaha") "Humans play with animals, heavenly gods play with humans lah haha"


I found it damn damn damn damn funny. I always thought that the celestial beings were damn serious or something. Didn't know they were so naughty one LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the other hand, this means that many things can be explained. Like wierd stuff happening(animals that behave wierdly) maybe cause the celestial beings wanted to have fun! haha.

what a joke. Maybe they gave hope to those who were overwhelmed by the loss of their lost ones.. What am i saying.
Why is blogger in chinese?hahaha

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