Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Everytime i finish a dota game i feel damn damn dulan cause i always lose.
I have a really bad temper.
Especially what gets me mad is when i'm reallly dulan someone pisses me to the peak by saying "eh relax lah" or "chill man". Maybe it sounds more sincere and correct but it seems to piss me then help. I appreciate it more if people just pass off a small comment like "haha.."
But something that gets me mad instantly is when i say something (e.g. to correct myself) then the other person puts -.-"
Why show me that.
Anyway, I think that I dulaned until xuan too got pissed cause i told him not to tell a pissed dota noob player like me to ever say "chill man". I did it in the realllly damn pissing fashion cause I'm too pissed to think.
Sian. Done a bad thing again. So many bad things that happened.
I hope xuan doesn't feel upset long(hope he wasn't in the first place) since he wasn't in any fault- Really sorry..
I still feel

more blanks.

undescribable feeling of misery.

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Oh ya..

I hope Poly life becomes as precious as my secondary school years..
Thinking of the golden secondary school years makes me melancholic.
Really really melancholic, to a point that I feel like seeing all you guys again and laughing with everyone...
This mood is stuck to me.
How do I put it... I feel very happy having had such times.
Ok enough of talking about this... I'll never stop if I continue on like this.
To all my friends.. You're the best!


Actually, when I'm bored I read other people's blogs. No regular visits.
One blog I find hard to go is Yvonne's, cause she has too many photos on the blog. My com is running out of disk space and I have to keep clearing the temporary internet files cause of low running disk space.
Speaking of my com, I don't now why any com that I use lands up without disk space... How the hell did i use up 30GB?!
Ok math here.
Hoverboard-314 mb
GunBound - 127mb
Java runtime Env - 117mb
Final Fantasy 7 - 1.3GB
America's Army - 1.9GB
MAFIA - 1GB I suppose.
Openoffice - 163mb
Starcraft - 112mb
Warcraft and FT - 582mb
Wolfenstein ET - 637mb
Other programs - about 400mb total.
My Documents - 6.55GB(music there)
Setup programs in my D: - 1.29 GB
Videos - 4.26 GB
Windows - 2.64 GB
Maybe my maths fail..

Anyway, look at the title.
Does it look familiar?
Think about names.
Other titles.
Think of a popular TV show.
A reality series.
-From the title most people should have remembered where they remember seeing that title..-
It came from America.
Even dancing!
Career involvement....
OH NO!!!!!!! IT'S DRAWING NEARER TO ME NOW!!!!! You gasp.
Well everyone knows what it is.
America+Singing+Dancing+career= AMERICAN IDOL!!!!!
Inspiration - American Idol = .......
Well his singing was hilarious...I listen to it for laughs.
But his attitude is sure nice.
Cause he went to American Idol and left without regrets.
The most important thing here I'll stress...
Do things without regrets!!!
Remember, whatever you do is a choice.
Since it's your choice, never regret, no matter what.

Haha easy to say but hard to do.
I'm regretting not looking desperately and realising that there is such a thing as Special Admission Programme during the Joint Admission Exercise... then I could've appealed for DET.
But never mind now. Beware! I'm thinking of what course to specialise in my 3rd year...
What I was given wasn't so bad after all.
Just like my NCC years, the start was a terror.
But over the years until now, they were gems of memory in my life, precious although small. The little events made memorable like Mount Ophir Expedetion, Round Island Kayaking Expedition, Specialist Course, Kayaking and Sailing courses, Annual camps and especially times like sea training and normal training sessions.
I think my life has some wonderful memories... of my friends, my school PHS and sunday school PKSSS, NCC...
So many more.
I hope everyone feels the same =].

Friday, May 27, 2005


Ok. I have tomorrow's plan.
1) Fundamaths. A 20Q MCQ. Have to do a little revision.
2)Neo's house. After school, Straight to his house. He say bring laptop! Yeah games cause there's WLAN!
But still, poly's life now is very boring. Sian.

OH crap i hate touchpad.
Never mind, Maybe I'll get more busy when poly starts normal school.


Feels like SIAN.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Fate decides that I hurry and panic the night before I guess... how the heck did it soo happen that I picked up the damn book to check and realise that my orientation is tomorrow!?!??!
Fate decides.
Oh man I love this phrase haha.Sounds cool.

Monday, May 23, 2005

But another Lol..

Moo sent me a pic with a cat wearing a fruit peel.(something like a orange's skin i think..it as green)

He MMSed it to me saying
"Eh zw thats you with a crash helmet Rofl"


It was damn funny...the picture.

I thought of something in the bathroom to blog again, but I don't remember it now.
I'll blog again if I remember it.

Yeah another thing...i realised "xiiahcat" (the blog address) sounds like xii(hokkien for die,but used to scold someone like, si gi na, in other words, stupid boy) ah cat. Hahahaha

Saturday, May 21, 2005


I reread the tagboard in my blog and found this:

mootus: i'm gonna use a flamethrower and fry your cat ass! muhahaaha
Ah Cat: Never!!!
mootus: YES!!!! u are bad cat! LOL
Ah Cat: What rubbish lol! You mad cow!!!!Lol
mootus: no u mad cat!!! i'll fire for effect u!!! lol
Ah Cat: I'll eat you hashbrown!!!lol
mootus: argh! u shot me?!? 1[explicit]2! NEED A MEDIC! oh no i'm a medic.. HOW?!? lol

NOTE the last line.....


NEED A MEDIC!!!!oh no i'm a medic....HOW?!?!
sorry the the corny joke.


"You" refers to a song by Evanescence.
Anyway, it happened when I was on the internet, for some reason I got quite bored of DOTA(losing and losing) or GB(nobody to play with), so I searched for song lyrics.
So I searched for Evanescence's, since those were the only english songs worth learning(to me).
Then I searched for a few titles, corrected myself with the lyrics.
Till i got to the song "You"

I clicked on the link, and....

these lyrics were removed
At request of the band Evanescence and lead singer Amy Lee,
all websites containing the lyrics or mp3 to the song "You"
are supposed to remove said lyrics or mp3s immediately.
The song was never supposed to be released,
it was a personal song dedicated to her friends and family...
The band has made many announcements on their official site
to please stop circulation of said song.
Well it's a nice song...but sounds very sad.
And one of my favourites too.
Hope they someday will publish it.
Wait. How many time have I said that I like "You"?Lol.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I suddenly thought of a nice nick for vonn's blog!
Photo gallery!
Nice? Yeah!

A stop in life and turning back.

Today is a good day for me to talk some thoughts. If you're reading till here and thinking:"OMG not again!!!!!" Then you'd better skip this post because it'll be all about my new thoughts.
Seems that most of my thoughts comes when i am taking a bath.

Here goes.

It's been almost 6 months since I graduated from PHS(my secondary school) and I start to wonder howmuch I have changed since I joined the school. Things that I learnt, known, and discovered. People whom I met and known throughout these years. It seems that we have taken so much from people, but it is just hard to list out what we have learnt from it.
Bah the most important thing is appreciation.Man how many times have I said this...haha.
So let me say a few words to those who gave me these little things that influenced my daily life.
Chiong- Being a real close friend!All the games, especially Starcraft, but not forgetting the math that he occasionally taught me during our school days. Not forgetting his usual sarcasm that reminds me of my stand(dun understand nevermind haha).
Zhongyan- Being a close friend, and especially during the period just before "O" levels, where we studied together in the CC with Vincent and Maria, helping out each other. He, too seems to be enthusiastic in everything.. A word for him would be a Zealot.
Jac- For being a close friend too, teaching me more about my social life, and frequent visits to Orchard which now I know that CineLeisure is near Somerset. I didn't even know what Cineleisure was before I met her...haha.And the introduction to the CC.
Zi Xuan- For DoTA, and being a good friend, playing bball too.And other games like CS too..haha.
Vincent- For reminding me that the best thing to do when stressed out is to relax(during the studing for "O"s' period).Getting "wasted" is a way to relax..hahahaha!
Maria- For showing me a different side of Singapore!And accompanying us in studying at the CC during the "O"s.
Connie-For teaching me a new phrase"LAMER SAI NI LIAN!!!!" Haha. And for asking really funny questions in class.
HuiDa- For playing basketball and the treats and invitations to all kinds of things...like bball at 369.
Chah Yiin-For showing me that Orange is a radiant colour.. I didn't notice about it last time.
Vonn(=/E or Y i dunno.)- For being a nice sistah.LOL
Dicky- For being a nice guy. He's always giving others treats! Gentlemanly!Haha.
Sze Min-For being a really pointless monitress(spelling anyone??) and wacky classmate.
Beverly- For being a panda and making funny slap comments all the time, especially using a low voice.
Jeremy-For 2 years of Crap! And the piano version of "Ban Dao Tie He"( ½ island metal box)
Yan Shuang-For invitation to her birthday outing! Haha.
Yanni- For showing me that the piano is a beautiful thing.(I sound exaggerating?Lol)Also asks really wierd and funny questions in Mr Tan's class.
Stephanie-For showing me that there are people who can be carefree and doing whatever they want.
Sheng Rong- For showing me quietness...but I've never heard him making a din before!Haha.
Han Rong- For his unbiasedness towards everything...maybe except music haha. But he's probably joking...lol.He's a guy who learns to appreciate others too.
Douglas-For being a really nice person sometimes! But he can get a little tipsy sometimes.
Zhengwei-For being a sometimes funny guy and teaching me that making fun of choon kiat is normal...haha!Giving the name Zuai Monk to Choon Kiat and adopting the name Sheepo.
Choon Kiat- For not being Zuai when we all call him Zuai Monk...I wonder why hahaha..
Moses- For doing really lame stuff like the Harry Potter Parody and the "Musical Chairs, Tables and Howling people(It's banging on the tables and chairs while he howls)".
Alvin Lim- For teaching me how to draw Manga!He's the Hentai King!(Joking hahaha)
Ian Fun-For letting me think the the Gunbound map "Dragon"is the best for naks!(One point of view)
Hui Si-For organising the 2G Chalet!And showing me that she can be funny one haha!
Thomson-For playing Bball and doing lots of stuff with the ball, and letting people(like me) do free throws!
Wee Hon-For talking lots of crap sometimes(Next time you see no more Nokia is Honkia.LOL)
Shawn- For Zibing! LOL. He has stressed the point that he doesn't hate me =X. Haha.
Huoy Ching-For trying to tell me that humanities isn't that bad..Lol.
Wei Loong-For being a nice guy, although sometimes he gets upset with other people's comments.
Bryan-For failing Maths with me during Sec1 years!And being a nice guy over the years too.
Weixin- For sometime crapping with us too!
Benny-For doing funny things like acting a lustrous guy just for the fun of it...LOL
Sarah-For exaggerating her comments (REALLY?! O M G!!!)And making nice cakes sold in Cold Storage.
HuiFen-For being a nice person, like 01010101010. But sometimes make fun of people randomly...hahaha.
Lim Yilin- For crapping with us and being the first person I know to have a numerical name.
Robin-For organising outings and helping to do so!
Alvin Neo-For being really funny, especially during Mr Tan's class!
Gerald- For the funny times and Nukezone rounds we've played.
NCC people-For Discipline, teamwork and CRAPNESS!!!!!!
The Grace Classes-For all the crap in 4 years! Never a boring class!!
I simply cannot continue on,because there are far too many people who've given me a lot-I'll take forever to complete it! To those who are not mentioned, it's not that you are not important but because you are one of the many who makes this world a better place!!!!!The things these people taught me are indescribable...so I'd have no way to credit them!
Thanks to everyone for everything over the years!

P.S. If someday I were to write a personal dictionary,I would put a new meaning of grace as"nonsensical, humor with no intention of personal attacks but general entertainment."In other words, CRAP! So an example would be like, "Hey boy, you from grace or what?"

LOL! I hope this isn't bad.

Monday, May 16, 2005


Finally I win a DoTa map.
But my contribution was like 5%....lol.
Sian. More post next time.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Blogspot turns chinese.

Well for my createpost page it is in chinese.

Hey am I very ugly?? OMG... I only realised it now!!
Sian haha.

Oh yeah I wanted to say something...haha
If anyone is reading this tell the panda to read it too.

It was the time she sprayed rock-candy perfume in a shop on my palm directly....
The smell lingered.
When i was going home, I tried to get back as fast as possible since I knew I has the rock candy smell on me.
I walked pass this bunch of girls(probably sec sch since they wore uniforms) and continued to wind walk until i slowed down because the people in front of me walked in a straight line slowly, blocking me.
Then the bunch suddenly walked up to my back....
I thought they wanted to overtake me for overtaking them. Then I heard one of them breathing in deeply....like "Hmmmmmmffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff...."
Maybe I run=sweat=smelly so they dun wan to smell it.

I didn't take much notice.
Till I reached the traffic light, they stood behind me still....and the light turned green.
Then one of them suddenly said:"Quick smell quick smell!"

-.-""""" Hahahahahahahaha
Ok thinking of that also tickles too but...
Imagine someone suddenly rushing up to smell you like a toilet freshener.

Anyway at that point I was much amused and wanted to LOL but it would probably make them do something even more wierd... I did my usual jaywalking home then suddenly they were like shouting" EHHH WHERE YOU GO?????!?!!? COME BACK LEHH!!!!!"

I embraced the thought of sprinting away.

All thanks to Panda I had sucha wonderful day....right.
I'm kinda scared the girls will beat me up for running away. Later they are some ah lians of some black lotus or sausage dog clan.

One personal attack on Panda:




Check this out!

Monday, May 09, 2005


Haha. No more stupid repetitive words here. The word yesterday won't appear a lot.
(P.S. if you don't understand this it's okay.)

Yesterday I was doing a like...sellin magnetic bookmarks(or something) to help raise fund for "O-Joy" elderly services and care centre(CIP?)
We decided to ask door-to-door.
It so happened that there was a particular door that left me confused.
Well this is what happened.
*Knock knock*
Teen opens door slightly with digimon in his hand.
Me: Hi would-
Teen: No thanks.
*Door closes.*


I guess there are times where things get you down. !@#$%^%.
There was this other kid (probably 3 years or 4 years old) Which seemed to have a particular dislike for me. Kept trying to throw an umbrella at me.

Things that get me down !@%#!@$ because that kid kept smiling at my friend and when he saw me his face turned like a carousel on full speed.
like ^o^ to -.- .

WAH LAU!!!!!!!Hahahaha.
Ok maybe it's not his fault... Since I don't look handsome or kind or loving? But his reaction does give me the feeling that I am giving others bad vibes.
Or maybe he's just a
I shaldn't bad-mouth.

Well speaking of which I mentioned earlier I think that the teen's wasn't that bad after all.. Something to learn from it.
Like how many times have we rejected (such things that happened) carelessly these people without a spare thought of how they felt? Sometimes we're just too busy to do that(the teen was playing with his digimon) and try to put everything aside to concentrate on what we are doing.
Maybe not rejecting carelessly alone but anything that we've done without thinking about others.

So there's something to learn in a quite upsetting yesterday.
There! Not much "yesterdays" in this one right!
Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! (Watch bleach the anime. I like Rukia doing that.)
No actually my favourite character in bleach is Rukia. She's damn funny. Ichigo is damn strong and serious, but also humourous when he does stupid faces hahahaha. He has a nice blade.
P.S. my prediction didn't come true.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Mother's day Eve-------)> Mother's day.

I chose a convient time to type

wait i mean blog at this time. Cause I just reached home and I have a great idea of doing prayers later for my mom when it's 12. Cause after 12, it's Mother's day!!!
By the way doing prayers mean giving blessings. My mom is still here.

So now I am typing this blog which then I will shortly take my bath. I'll try to get my sister to pray with me. Hope she comes back before 12.

Now let me talk about the past. Man, there was the time I went ice-skating with some of my friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since they blogged it I shall not say anything more.

Now to the present.
I was at the temple( for anyone who wondered why I was not online, or if I am,didn't reply cause I didn't turn on the com but my dad who wouldn't reply anything for me.) helping out 2 things. One was in the resource room where lots of things, especially notes are kept. I have to sort them out(with some other people) by july. So I did one box today, and doodled for the rest of the time. The second thing I did was to help carry a big lantern for the Light offering today. It started at 7.30 but Yan Ming(guy who's mom was in charge of us volunteers) pulled me out of the freezing air-conditioned room at 6.20. Ah why?

Then I waited for nothing at the place where I was supposed to meet at6.30, till 6.30. Actually it was only 10 minutes. I just felt annoyed when he wanted me to come out suddenly. But never mind.

The formation was like this:


N,H,F,Z,Y,K,B,J are the volunteers. I am "Z". V=Venerable. M=Monk. P=Public. The dots are to show the spacing between us.

When it started, everything went on fine.
Then suddenly, J and H came out. I was told to fill their position.

So it became like this:

After everything ended, I heard that H and J were hospitalised because they had heat stroke. Pray for them. They're still in hospital i think, as i type now. So pray even harder.

Now to the future. Predictions first!
I predict that I will bathe the minute I finish this sentence and continue after my bath.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


I realised that someone realised that i haven't been blogging for some time... And realised that there are some who actually read my blog. Haha. Actually I also realised that there are a lot of things that I realised about and want to blog.. So I realised that it would be a better idea to make a list when to blog out what I realised and wanted to blog(????=/??).
1) Realised Raiders in Woodlands in damned Expensive. "E"xpensive.
2) Realised People read my blog(Mentioned earlier I realised.)
3) Realised that people in LAN shops actually still play Starcraft.
4) Realised that I feel very sad now.
5) Realised that I am broke.
6) Realised that the song CAROLS is very nice. The lyrics are sad but I like it.

So.. let me paste the lyrics here.(English translation, since I don't think anyone who read this blog knows japanese.)

--------------------------Ayumi Hamasaki--------------------------------

Do you remember the first day we met even now?
You looked abashed, hanging your head
And turning your eyes away

I wonder when such a manner became so dear to me
It makes me feel a little nostalgic
Don't you feel so?

Many seasons have passed by
With quick steps since then

(*) When the white snow colors the city
Let me stay by your side
Though I may bother you
Again and again

We talked overnight about our future and the moments
I felt they were so dazzling
And precious

Tears welled up in my eyes
When I thought it would be nice
That I could forgive my past some day

(**) When the white snow melts
And the city becomes vivid and colorful
I like to keep you closest
To my heart

The days we couldn't understand each other and parted
The days of tears, the days of smiling faces
Whatever may happen and whatever mood you may be in
I'll always accept you

(*) repeat
(**) repeat

Listening to this song(sung by Ayumi of course) makes me want to cry everytime. Cause the song sounds very sad.

7) Realised that I am copying and pasting the word "Realised ".
8) Realised that I am typing in too many "realised" in here.

Actually I have lots I want to say but I dunno how to blog them...Help me.