Monday, December 26, 2005


i've been tagged!
By Chah lol.
Ok so what i have to do is to follow the rules... hm.

Rules Of The Game:
1. post five weird/random stuffs about yourself.
2. at the end of the post, list the name of 5 people who you want next to do this.
3. leave a comment "you are tagged" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.

So 5 weird things about me..

1. I'm listening to "1000"words [Orchestra Version] and I think it is good.
2. I am not random but people always wanna kill me(like jac and chiong and chah and zy i think in fact everyone whenever i try to say something out from my mind)
3. I have a desktop battery operated vacuum cleaner.
4. CATS should have learnt better english before confronting a captain LOL. See I think the 3rd video is also damn funny hahaha.
5. My favourite FF character is Yuna. LOL.

The song "1000" words also inspired me to write a few lines.
"If a picture speaks of a thousand words, can I paint your picture with a thousand words?
Upon this realization,
I sing your name a million times,
hoping someday you will see this picture.."

Ok here is for the other 5 people.
1. Chiong.
2. Zy.
3. Zi xuan.
4. Connie
5. Jeremy.

I have a stomachache.
See you.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Is the day where Chiong reaches Singapore. He's back! lol. Long time no see. Wonder if he's changed or not lol. Maybe he has long hair again.

Looking forward to seeing him lol!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Random quote

"'T is strange that death should sing.
I am the cygnet to this pale faint swan,
Who chants a doleful hymn to his own death,
And from the organ-pipe of frailty sings
His soul and body to their lasting rest." William(wish wellingtons) Shakespeare

Random Quote"Our death is not an end if we can live on in our children and the younger generation. For they are us; our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life."Albert Einstein

Oh ya. I just remembered something.

Some time ago my germ teacher told us what einstein's name meant. Eins/ein=one, stein=stone.
So it's "One stone" for you, the man who invented so many things lol.

Sunday, December 04, 2005


Oh no.
I forgot to explain this lol.

I made this up haha.

wait i guess u all know lol.

Friday, December 02, 2005


i am eating durians
i'm gonna get a sore throat.

someday i'll invent a shortcut which will let you blog immediately without opening the webpage!just joking lol.


I got a bad stomach argh.

A rainy day is a good day to play dota. No actually better to sleep haha.

This is my workspace(or playspace lol.)

The fridge is always empty lol.

K gtg sleep. Cya.


I just read zy's blog.
I guess the dinos lived in an uncorrupted and natural world. Humans live in a corrupted world, a species that kill each other.
LOL. The dominators or the planet have interconflicts all the time.
Dinos suffer from predations. Actually in general they kill each other too, except the herbivores who gets kill most of the time. Still there are grassers who kill other dino for self defence.
Humans suffer from all that rubbish, but we are safe from predators like tigers or kions or ligers. We suffer from our own kind lol.
Sad world.
stomachace brb.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

An advertisement

Today i was deciding to look around friendster since i haven't done so in a long time. Then i chanced upon mary's profiles then pics then i saw this. LOL. i think it is a tiger+lion = liger.
Anyway, i decided to make something up with it. It(picture) looks damn fun.

So here comes.

For a moment i forgot what i was going to do. I must be having amnesia lol.

Lol. Oh ya and my sis sent me a fun email. Seems accurate.

IF you were born on the:

1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month you are number 1.

2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month then you are number 2.

3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month then you are number 3.

4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month then you are Number 4.

5th, 14th, 23rd of any month then you are number 5.

6th, 15th, 24th of any month then you are number 6.

7th, 16th, 25th of any month then you are number 7.

8th, 17th, 26th of any month then you are number 8.

9th, 18th, 27th of any month then you are number 9.

Number 1: You are smart, a straight talker, funny, stubborn, hardworking, honest, jealous on a competitive basis, kind hearted, temperamental, friendly, and popular. You always want to be on the top and most likely to be independent. You are most likely to fall in love at a young age, but will marry once you mature.
You are likely to have problems with people who have opposite views and you are most likely to take revenge over your enemies in a long time basis. You are a spender, but you will have a good profession in the future. If you are guy you will be very popular. You can go anywhere from the local shop to the heart of the parliament because you are positive and talented in numerous areas. But in your life you will always have some people who will work hard to bring you & your name down. Because of your intelligence, some might hate you. You are a pioneer, independent & original your best match is 4, 6, and 8 while a good match would be with 3, 5, 7

Number 2: No matter what, every one will love you because you are ruled by the Moon. You day dream a lot, you have a very low-self esteem, you need to have a back up forevery move in your life, you are very unpredictable. You tend to change according to time and circumstances, selfish, have a very strong sense of musical and artistic talent! and powerful verbal communication. You can be sweet as an angel and can be ruthless when double-crossed. Some might say you have a sixth sense. You will become a poet, writer, an artist or a businessperson. You are not strong in love, so your relationship will be in disarray until you settle down. If you are a girl, you will be responsible for your family. If you are a man, you tend to get involve in fights & arguments in the family. You will sacrifice your life for your family. You are gentle, intuitive with a broad vision. Youmake a well-balanced person. Your best match is 2, 7, 5, and 9 no other people can put up with you!!!

Number 3: You are hardhearted and selfish most of the time. You always tend to have lots of problems within your family in the early stages but you will be able to cope with everything. You seem to have your way in everything. And from birth you would always have to work hard to achieve anything you want. You always make a point ! to set examples on others, especially the younger ones. Generally you are not a cool person. It's not easy dealing with you. A tough player you are! But once you are comfortable with someone, it will be a lasting friendship. You always earn respect from others. Your Iook seems to have lots of worries and problems but they won't be for long. You will havebrilliant kids! You love money a bit too much so temptation will push you to try endlessly. You will look after your family and help friends, so you will spend a life time just being generous and kind (except for men born on the 21st). You love your freedom, creative and ambitious, a person who brings beauty, hope & joy to this world!!! Your best match 6 and 9. Good match 1, 3, and 5

Number 4: You are very stubborn, very hard working but unlucky in important matters in life, very cool and helpful. You might repel people away from you, you may cause nuisance to others if you are a man, as you gifted are with understanding other people's problems. If you are a girl, you excel in your studies and arts. If you are a guy you spend most of your time with girl friends and you tend to have too much fun with your mates &girls. Your friends will spend your time & money and get on with their life and you will be left empty handed. So be careful! You love to spend. Your positive side is that you are always around to help family and friends. You always fall in love with those younger than you. You often live with disappointments but you will take good care of your family. You need to be careful of people who will take advantage of your kind heart. And beware of your relationships too. You are radical, patient, persistent, and a hit Old-fashioned; you live with foundation & order. Your best match 1, 8. Good match 5, 6, and 7

Number 5: You are very popular and you can get things done only by talking. Even to your enemies! You are business-minded and like ! to do things spontaneously. You will be famous if you get involved in any business. Your friends and families will always ask for your help, and you are the one actually with the money to help your friends. You will have more than one relationship, but when you settle down you tend to be selfish. You tend to go for other relationships ?even if you are married at times because of your popularity. You tend to get along easily with anyone because the numbers is a middle number. You love freedom and changes. You learn your life through your personal experiences. Your best match 1, 2, Good match 6, 8.

Number 6: Ooopppss... you were born to enjoy! You don't care about others. I mean you always wanted to have a lifetime of enjoyment. You will excel in either education or business management! You are talented, kind (but with only people who you think are nice), and popular. All good things come easily to you. Your mind and body is just made perfect for love. You are loveable by any number. But if you are number 6 men, you will be involved in more than a few relationships until you get married. If you are a girl, most of you will get married/engaged early. You are a caring person towards your family and friends. You are a person of compassion, comfort & fairness, domestic responsibility, good judgment, and after all you can heal this world's wounds to make peace for everyone because you have the great power and caring talent to take the world of love one step further.. Your best match 7, 6, and 9. Good match 4, 5

Number 7: You are realistic, confident, happy, and talented in education, music, art, singing, and most importantly in acting. You also have a bad temper! You value yourfamily status a lot; you will be in the top rank when you reach a certain age. If you are a guy you are popular with girls. Most of the number 7s faces lots of problems with their married life. Only a few are happy. You have everything in your life but with worries throughout your lifetime. You need to get ready looking for a partner rather than waiting. If you don't, then you might end-up being single. You are born to contribute to everyone's joy. Your best match is 2. Good matches are 1, 4.

Number 8: You have a very strong personality and people will find it hard to understand you. You are more likely to suffer in your younger years. You might be also the one responsible to look out for your family. You often suffer all the way through life. You will learn life in a very practical way. You are the one who will fight for justice and may even die in the war too. You are normally very reserved with a handful of friends and most of the time, live life alone and always prepared to help others. However, once yousettle down, (which is often late), then your had lucks will disappear. You will face unexpected problems such as encountering poisonous animals, and accidents. You are highly- disciplined, persistence, and courageous, and ! it is your strength that will takeyou to success. You are a great part of a family team. You are a fighter! Your Best match 1. 4 and 8. Good match 5

Number 9: You guys are the most incompatible people in the world. You are so strong, physically and mentally. You often have big-aims. You will work hard and will thinkit's still hard to get there, even if you already have gotten there.
Normally you suffer in the early age from family problems and generally you will have to fight in life. You are respected by others. You were however very naughty in your childhood, and often gotbeaten up by your parents and had been involved in fights and you seemed to have suffered lots of injuries. But when you grow older you become calm and will fall into the quiet and dignified macho type. Love is not an easy matter for you. You are howevergood in engineering or banking jobs because people always trust you. Your family life is very good, but you will always worry over your children. Your finer qualities are that you are humanitarian, patient, very wise & compassionate. You are born to achieve targets.

Am i incompatible? lol.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Inspiration<(- did i use this title once before?

Whoa. I made up a poem just now.
Here it goes.
as time goes by
distance pulls us apart
once friends never strangers
but where strangers can come to
friends can never do
what as a friend we should do
preserve a tie
where we share the times
we renew and never forget
time will solve matters
but not friendship
when memories bite the dust
let us fade away with it..
Whoa I never knew what it takes to make a poem anyway...I guess it's not a poem lol. it doesn't rhyme anyway haha.
Oh anyway.
Guess what?! I found a digicam in my house!
Here goes testing!
This comis is goooood. It's damn funny with a good story plot! I give it a nice number. LOL.
This is random. A hostage situation as you can see. I wonder if rubber guns hurt lol. Just crapping.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Pentium 4

My dad asked me to turn off his com before he went to sleep(since it was beside me and i'm playing with my com which is beside his and in front of me).

I was playing dota at that time, searching for a bnet game to join.
While it was loading, i shut down his com and continued game.

Play and play and play until i got thrashed as usual.
Then i turned off my TFT(warcraft 3).
Only to realise that my dad's com is still shutting down.
Elapsed game time(dota)= 1 hour++

So i stared at his com which was saying "windows is still shutting down"

Eh wait.

windows is still shutting down?

It must be the windows update or my eyes. lol.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

After seeing zy's latest post (KIU)

I realise that zy is sounding like somebody.

Who has been like this(blogging like this) seriously....

This person is none other than our...

4G classmate......


(The top just showed that the person is a male! lol.)

Oh ya.

Look what xuan found.

LOL. Doctor ah kat lol.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Tuesday, Nov 22, 2005

I just read zy's blog.. it looks like he's very sad.
He said that everybody's changing, becoming more and more different..
What he said about what people growing up wanna do did hit me. Me myself also sometimes wonder if everybody's going to move on and leave the past with the dust(rhymes lol..). Always saddened to think about it..

Because I have no primary school memories.. No childhood friends like in the TV shows or movies or whatever media I've seen. My primary school life is a solo.... and I didn't like it. I thought I was fortunate to have a nice secondary school life, to meet such crazy friends and get along.

Of course, I don't want to lose my secondary school friends.
Back to the solo life, no thanks. I've my fair share of it.

Thinking of zy's blog and reading it makes me sad too. Even my house light's are almost all out, and it's only 10pm.
ZY dun be sad mon .. Come online more often so that we can talk crap lol.
I wonder if I even know what i am typing lol..

Monday, November 21, 2005


Bad habit lol.

Anyway, as i was saying, I have a marvellous idea of revising your homework and having fun at the same time.
Ok maybe practise(or practice) our homework. Normally when we practise like maths or something we would need to do our working on a piece of paper or something. Waste paper, pencil lead(graphite i guess if what that is called), maybe a bit of eraser. Also, a bit of wrist pain after writing long stuff.
But since the invention of computers+ internet = blogs as a small part of this new age...

Why not use blogs as our personal practice book or jotterbook or whateveryoucallitman!

Haha yeah what i mean is use our blog as a practice book! Haha.
Nothing else to say, so I'll start my damned homework lol.
Today I learnt analog electronics, electrical science, germ and that computers in the "E-learning lab" are really good.

I was trying to be sarcarstic on the latter comment. Lol.

Analog electronics- )> With AC comes DC. I mean AC can be converted into DC. Anyway, The formula for converting AC into DC is Vdc=0.318(Vpk).
That was a Half wave rectifier. Because diodes are used in the process of converting AC to DC, diodes are only one-way so when the current goes from the negative side nothing goes through the load(by load meaning the output or whatever u want it to be). Waste of energy.
Luckily, there is a full wave rectification. Very easy. Make a bridge connection consisting of diodes, where each pair faces a different direction. The load is in the middle of the bridge. This way the current that goes through the positive and negative terminals can be converted into DC and pass through the load or go into or whatnots.
The formula is kinda simple- 0.318= half wave, so full wave= 0.318 x 2 = 0.636(Vpk). Haha.

Electrical principles- )> Vectors, when calculating against gravity, gravity can be taken as
-10m/s^2. Similiarly when working with gravity(free fall or something) gravity is 10m/s^2. My class and lecturer got kinda confused over it and how to explain it lol.
Germ -

elf lol.

I have a brillant idea

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Time is short

int main()
damn time is short the game is long. very long nv play dota... prolly 1 week liao. lol no lah abit exaggerating but around 1 week. lol.
After such a long time, i concluded one thing.
Intel heroes in my hands=gg.
I think they are the most crappiest heroes. Damn. Because i dunno how 2 use them lol.
sian. everytime random i get dp i sure lose like mad.

Oh ya digressionated.

Anyway time is short... like
Haha actually i dunno what to say.But i think necro'lic should be a agi hero. Wonder why it's a intel
...zzz. sian lol.");
return 0;

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

sometimes i wish i can blog out how i feel. but thinking about it already confuses me.
I dunno what to do.
very sad damn sad but nothing i can do... help me man...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

last post was wrong lol

Ha. I typed wrong in the last post lolol cause the "lol" was meant to be in the msn but somehow became posted in blogspot.

Anyway, this post is to commerate today's event lol. Because we all realised (only now) that connie needs to wear double contacts. Because she apparantly knocked over a yellow sign(like the ones which are put up to warn of slippery floors) and didn't see it. LOL. Then she said jeremy faked her, which is *clap clap clap clap wah li hai liao ke yi push na ge yellow sign liao! song ni yellow board yi ge!* LOL.

last post was wrong llo


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The night is boring

Yes it is for me. Now that school's started, i have nothing to do (others started mine hasn't but is going to). No DoTA since everybody sleeps early. Then can't talk on msn since they aren't around(they didn't reply). Sian. I read the latest entries on your blogs liao.. then still no msn reply.

zzzzz sian.

So i've decided to go watch big long today! it's nice lol
ah finally a reply lol
ok not to me LOL. ha.
aniway maybe i'll watch it later tonight if nothing's going on later! lol.

zZz it gets boring with each day. Can't wait for school to start and the homework to come.
(i hope i mean it lol)

big long today is nice! go watch it. Even chiong watches it lol.

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Lol. As i was reading other people's blogs, i suddenly wonder who reads my blog. I also wonder who actually read what i Because i remember asking people to leave comments but i don't see a appropriate comment till now.
LOL. Let's exort 阿乐精神! Which is:

Hallo, am I talking to the wall??

Lol. I guess so hahaha.

P.S. Hey, I may be making a LEGO™ comic soon. LOL.
(i took a long time finding the "™" LOL.)

Saturday, October 29, 2005

My god i feel so Posted by Picasa

EP01: Go brother! Let's combine and I'll be the ultra electron mass transmitter(shooting ba) pulse radiation gabble gabble cannon! Posted by Picasa

EP01 and EP02 , the electric brothers of destruction takes mass destruction to another level with their new transformer powers(or new as we all just discovered.) Posted by Picasa


going out for a wedding lunch. I suppose you call a wedding dinner one if it is held in the night where people cheer YAY HARRY!!!!!!!!!!!! YAM SENG!!! for the newly wed or something. So I'll assume that what i am going for which is held in the early afternoon(which probably will drag on into the late noon) is a wedding lunch. Lol.
It sounds so wrong cause lunch doesn't sound formal(IMO, lunch=sandwichy feeling). Hah.
I remember someone once told me that I'm "shui bian" (随便). Is that good or bad? Leave some comments people.. thanks lol.

Anway here's a household appliance which you'll never know that has superpowers... It has the widely known transformer powers. on the next post.


Friday, October 28, 2005

Silent Hill 3!!

I went to xuan's house to play silent hill 3. I think i got a headache after that. Must have been the red sign lol.

Silent hill is scary, but there are funny parts. For example:
Heather(main character):The showcase which i saw the silver ring the last time. Damn, it's gone.


H: What is this place?! Who are you?
Stranger: My name is Claudia.
H: Who cares!


I thought that was damn funny lolol.

More funny stuff i think, but i'll have to remember it.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm going to quote zy's latest quote.

Posted on 12.10.2005 at 11:36 PM

I thought about how he always said jeremy and i were random.
look who's talking! hahaha. (Or I should say, look who's typing.LOL)

Time for a little DoTA Madness! I'll try to see what more rubbish i can do with that game...hahaha

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

A scary story

When I turned on my handphone today, I recieved zi xuan's sms and another +658123410918732971212401293479218314 numbered SMS. When i opened that sms this is what it wrote:

"YOU WILL DIE IN 3 DAYS no lah just kidding. you will die now!!!!"

No just kidding lol. When i opened it what i saw was my results. It was a shock to me.


Sunday, October 02, 2005


-I saw yvonne's blog. haha! 2k visitors LOL. She got a shock i think. If i put counters I'd be shocked too since it'll be "-99 PLS SHUT DOWN UT BLOG TO SAVE SOME SPACE THNX" lol.
-Played Shougeki for the first time in my life. It was my second time seeing it, since the first time we played world combat and i walked past the machine and saw it's name.
-Realised that DVDs were not as expensive as i thought. It'll probably be because they wanted to save the plastics and foil needed to make CDs. 1 DVD is almost equivalent to 7 normal CDs(In terms of data.)
But today I too realised that it's damn boring now. Everytime I
No. I mean everyday. Nothing to do everyday. Bored lol.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Anime Rating!

Out of a 10, I give Full Moon Wo Sagashite a 9 million.
The anime was touching..
[I just felt that I had to say it]

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Diablo 2 most useless crap award

The D2 UCA goes to....

Why the hell do i always die one?! My death ratio compared to moo's is like 15:1 KNN! I think D2 is biased against ranged heroes. Melee heroes are damn annoying. WTH MAN! Sudden death issit?! 300hp kena hit by some small shit can straightaway die.

WAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Crap man! I feel very annoyed very very very very annoyed.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Reverse effect

An example of a counter effect:

"The so-called Uncle Bryan. Who has absolutely nothing to do with my being called Aunty. (With particular emphasis on NOTHING.)" -taken from yvonne's blog.
1) mentioned him with regarded phrase(uncle).
2)linked it to herself.("my being")
3) gave an article of proof(??haha)-(Aunty)
4)it works(link btw uncle and aunty)
5)Emphasis on ("emphasis on NOTHING" haha double emphy) gives us some doubts LOL.we all know (-ve) x (-ve)=(+ve). Emphasizing on nothing twice (emphasis, caps-lock-nothing).

Actually her statement's therotically correct. (I just wanna poke fun hahahaha.)

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Oh my whatever

Read vonne's blog. It's killing me softly with her words (intended the song.What song? I don't know the title haha.Anyway just some song.). Touching and goddamned funny hahaha.
But again, it killed me the third time cause i got a shock seeing myself. No wonder my sis said that i have a kiampah face and chiong always want to kill me and jac "you want a slap on your face NIANG?!?!?!"
ahhahahaha. Crap suddenly there were the crazy photos which scared myself upon seeing myself.
But yvonne made her point there. And set me into thinking.
Chiong's going back to UK soon. like 2 more days. Already i'm missing him...
is there a like sound for melancholic feelings? don't tell me sigh. haha.
It's like everyone's changing(blogging style?). We are all blogging differently... Even chiong's started to blog about it lol(his feelings). Well jac and moo remains the same lol.. they are both like "AHHHHH TODAY WAS dAMN!@%!@$%#$%" blog directly out. Sometimes it feels better to do so lol.
Then again, i wanna say something. We all feel sad because chiong's going back soon, but we should too appreciate this sadness.
Because we are close friends, we share the pain in parting with each other. If chiong was just some classmate then we wouldn't feel sad. But we are crazy and close friends. I wanna say reeally close. I hope you guys agree.
Gah what am i saying. Confusing myself lol.
Oh ya i wanted to talk about yvonne's point.
What if all of us leaves, one by one, and are no longer part of each other's lives....?


All of us take each other around for granted. 只有 that person is not around then will we appreciate the person. How often do we take each other for granted? The only time we appreciate someone is when they are gone.. Or is it?lol.

"It's not like he's leaving for the first time, but it just sucks when you realise that a good friend is going to be gone for the next six months holed-up in some purgatory, freezing his ass off, without any of us by his side physically."

Aint that damn true. Gah! It's feels damn annoying to know that you can't do anything over there.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Chiong's going back in a few days..
But he's coming back next year. We shall all wait for Chiong!
And Await His News.
I'm very interested to know what happens on over there lol..Seems that different countries have different cultures.
Like the great glass kitchen. Ask chiong what it's about LOL. I don't think This can happen to us cause we go home every day to our parents and can't do such crazy and out-of-the-law stuff. Maybe Korea permitted it.LOL. Still, it's madness to do such things.
Thoughout the holidays, we played DoTA and Diablo 2. Of course DoTA was fun..Chiong was using some new heroes. Diablo 2 as usual. I got pawned using assassin.
Wait. How do you spell "pawn" in computer terms to refer to someone being thrashed? Like those L337 Computer H4X00RZ always like to say. Maybe not the haxxors lol.
P.s. Haxoors probably means hackers. Hahaha i always thought that it was funny lololo HAXORZ what a name. Like taxons.(Giant tuby worms in Animorphs.)

Did you notice something? Omg I'm digressing all the way! Never going back on track.
Well I shall fight for my stand(What stand?I don't know..). Look at the topic! It's "Lol". So there is no main topic actually(or there is, which is laugh out loud?HAH! like that lolol)
So no main topic=no main road=sidetrack is no prob lol.
Yeah. Back to the previous topic.(contradicting myself hahaha)
I also realise that i type with a speed and accuracy that is beyond my imagination. I can actually type "night" wrongly. What's wrong with me. Haha. And i'm slowing down in typing..most probably no practice.. But I feel damn wierd. Like suddenly half the keys on the keyboard are alien to me.. The places are unfamiliar.
omg. AD typed as "AS"."Also" as "awso". "W" and "L" are so far away haha.
Well. So something interesting i learnt lol.
Since i'm now having
Let me type this before i forget lol.
Huida has an interesting rule for using the F word. hahaha
Here goes.
Huida's F rule.
1.)The F word is used in a way such that you use it to describe something negative. Strictly negative lol.
E.G. F***ing school.
He then said that that is because education is bad hahahahahaha.
So then he stated 1) F*** cannot be used for good things like "wah the food is F***ing nice" lol.
Well that must be all haha. Gues it's huida's universal rule of F***.
So anyway, I was saying that i learned Buddhsim on sundays now again. Last week's topic was on death. Stuff like what happens when you are dying(what you see,feel etc) and what to do.
Naturally random questions popped out. One was the one about the black moth. Some believed that if there is a black moth at a funeral, it is most probably the dead spirit which returned. We asked if that was true.
Then my teacher said like : "Oh.. You know the celestial beings.. some have clairvoyance powers. Which means that they can see your past, past life etc. So sometimes when they may come down to earth too. Some people said like when they talked to the moth it will respond to their questions like "are you my father? if you are then land on my left hand*Hands raised*" The celestial being got clairvoyance, so can respond correctly to the questions and land(land lolol) correctly."

There was a brief moment of silence then all of us were like "HUH?!" lol.

He explained that sometimes celestial beings see that we have a funeral and grieve for our lost they come down act as the deceased lol. He said that they play with humans ("why like that one! hahahaha") "Humans play with animals, heavenly gods play with humans lah haha"


I found it damn damn damn damn funny. I always thought that the celestial beings were damn serious or something. Didn't know they were so naughty one LOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the other hand, this means that many things can be explained. Like wierd stuff happening(animals that behave wierdly) maybe cause the celestial beings wanted to have fun! haha.

what a joke. Maybe they gave hope to those who were overwhelmed by the loss of their lost ones.. What am i saying.
Why is blogger in chinese?hahaha

Monday, August 15, 2005

Building buildings

We need engineers to build our buildings today.
How about in the past? As in the way waaaay past. Especially during the egyptian times. There were many compliements on the great pryamid being near structually perfect-the angles were perfect, the size and shape and bricks were perfectly straight and so on. Same goes for some ancient civilization (i think the name was Inut or something. Some "I___" group.)They built stone walls with perfectly straight bricks. I even heard that the blocks used by egyptians were placed so close together that you couldn't even slit a razor blade in between them! Hah, but considering they had no cement at that time..
Imagine building your own lego blocks and stacking them up. Firstly how do you get the damn blocks to be so straight? Ok if they looked straight putting them side by side would probably show some gaps.
Again, wah. Really straight.
What's even better is that they(some !##$^%#$ologists) found a dead cat in the pryamid. It's body was intact,but it wasn't rotting or preserved. It had been dehydrated(which means that it's a dry corpse). Some guy decided to try out an experiment by making a similiar and smaller model of the pryamid and placing a dead cat in it. The result was the same. Other things like plants growing faster(or something) and animal's wounds healing faster in the pryamid were also discovered.
Which led to conclude that the pryamid's structure had been made in a way to channel some energy from who knows where. Well, this wasn't said by me. I read it off the internet-here's the link.
I can't find the damn link, but here's another one. For the sake of putting a link and those who picked up interest. Another link
Well i have a theory however. A long time ago lotsa people built with precision and straightness(i guess) but without modern equipment, they probably had something that can be used to measure straightness that was available in the past. Let us think.
What do they have in the past?
The first thing i thought of was the water level. Water level is always straight inside a cup right? Like in the middle, forget about the sides(curving upwards or downwards).
But i thought of how the egyptians would use it. Take a test tube? They probably didn't have clear glass at that time.
Then it came to me today. The straightest thing that can be made and you don't even need any other tools.
It is the marvellous and common sensed shadow that everything can cast. If they were to set carving out blocks exactly at noon(or some regular time), they would probably have some time to at least trace out the shadow and use it as reference to build blocks. Same goes for planning out the base of the pryamid.
Well more to come soon. I have to play DoTA now! lol.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Eye witness

How do you judge a person?
A teacher once said this(it was a sunday school teacher btw).
"When you said that a person is handsome or pretty, that is because you have seen someone who is not as good-looking before."
Aint that true. How else can we give comments? When we praise someone, it is saying that the person is better than someone they know of. The same goes for things. If you haven't seen the world, you would think a forest is big.
So everything lies in the world of our perception. Yes, our perception. Which is created by the things we see with our eyes, the words we hear with our ears, the feelings we touch with our skin and etc etc. An object alone is of no real value.
So can we say that we are actually all nothing? Yeah I guess, but this is my point of view.
However, if there is a vast universe somewhere which has completely nothing there, what can we say is there without material judgement?
1) Without anything at/in that universe, we can say that there is actually no universe.
2) No such judgement can however be made. If we haven't known anything before, the universe would then be the only thing we have known. It would therefore be everything to us(literally).
Hence the simple line stated in the buddhist scripture, "Se ji shi kong, kong ji shi se"(form is emptiness, emptiness is form)
Maybe I'm missing out a lot of things that I was supposed to explain about the above mentioned. Well I had to take some time to think through this too, cause it means that saying this would be the same as not mentioning at all. Which can be quite true. Think about it =).
On the other hand. Something fun!!!! haha.
Here goes. You have to tell from 2 people given 2 identities.
Once there was a man who arrived at a island. He was told before that there were 2 people on the island, the lord of destruction and the lord of nature.
He had to pass each of them something, but the problem is that he hadn't even seen their faces before. But still he went on in search for the 2 men. Coincidentally, he managed to find the 2 at a same area. One was at a forested area while the other was standing at a wasteland. Looking at them, he could tell between the two's identity.
Can you do the same thing? Which man is the lord of destruction and which is the lord of nature?

Haha. I'll post the answers far far down this post.

Have you thought about it?

Keep scrolling!

It would be nice to give it a thought haha.

Ok here's the answer.
The man at the forest is the lord of destruction. The man at the wasteland is the lord of nature.
Can you explain why too? Prolly, if you can't give a little more thought.
Hope you had fun! haha.

Friday, July 29, 2005

When you say nothing at all.

When somebody doesn't talk, what does it imply?
Hm. Let's see.. like mr mutu lim ah moo. He doesn't talk because nvm i know his reason which is damn funny. Well ask him if you'd like to know LOL.
What about jac. When she doesn't say anything it's prolly cause she is to lazy to reply. Am i right?lol. Or maybe cause she thinks that whatever said is too stupid and doesn't bother replying lol.
I guess a most common reason why people don't talk is when they are angry or really annoyed.
Well something stupid happened today haha. Mr. 50 came to my house to play DoTA, and he did all sorts of crappy stuff. Like when we were about to have dinner, i asked him to come out of the game and have dinner.
----------------------------------------The crap he did--------------------------------------
Me: Aiya just quit lah hahaha
Mr.50: Ok ok later i do something.
[From here on is what he typed.He was the host.]
Mr.50: IF ANYBODY LEAVE I'LL [some crap explicit lol]
[teammate(s)]: [they didn't say anything.]
Then mr.50 left.

omg hahahaha but typing this out is doing the humor in it injustice... you should be there to see it. There were more crap but not good to put it in words. LOL.
Also, I realised that pizza hut is actually enough for me. Eating a meal there fills me up(the combo meal i mean.) In fact I feel full now after dinner. But I don't agree with the price though. Like all other fast food restaurants, I think the food is a little pricey. I like places like breadtalk and Old Chang Kee (Although i don't eat OCK a lot.)
And if any of you happen to go to breadtalk and don't know what to order, I suggest trying the "smart alex/alek/whatever it is". There's a nice icy powder on it and the yellow cream(custard?) is also so cooling. Nice to eat on a warm day.

I think i say nothing when I feel sad. Hm. Everybody says nothing when they are sad, I guess.
Oh yeah, if i'm not wrong, the 2grace website's link never works. In fact it was never linked i think. Kinda sad cause i cannot access anything there. lol.

When I say nothing I'll start to think about lots of stuff. Like what just happened and what happened a while ago and yesterday and last week and... Come up with rubbishy theories, but I never get to pen them down. Kinda sad or i can think about it's actually kinda fun but i only do it when i am like alone and damned bored( <-I am damned sad whenever this happens).

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Que sara(or sera?)

When I was just a little ah cat
I ask XtremeMoo/ah chiong/teh barney/miyabi
What should I pick?
Should I take PA,
Or should i repick?
That's what he said to me
Que Sara Sara <(-------------------------What does this mean actually?
Whatever will be will be
The future's not for us to be
Use Random, -ap..
Go random, -ap..

Isn't technology wonderful?
No I don't think I'll say anything about it. I don't feel like saying anything about it LOL.
I'm looking forward to the chalet- Slacking is so fun haha!
How do you check the number of people who visited this site anyway? I'm guessing a single digit LOL. I feel drained of energy to talk haha. Must be the dota match. Also don't feel like talking about it(We lost lol).

Yes the chalet! I hope everybody will go. The more the merrier, and more people=havoc=2grace. We should uphold a grace for truth.
--=More DOTA crap=--
Chiong is in Malaysia, and I don't like Axe. But chiong's not here, so Axe is way too annoying.LOL.
=End of DOTA crap=
Watch "Decline of video gaming". It's a little funny, but i think the "Tomorrow's Nobodies" episodes are funnier but more racisive(???) and crap and rubbish humor..haha

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Internet lag

My internet lags madly.
Like it lagged very badly. Chiong said it was a bad node(which caused the slowdown) and I have no idea on how 2 solve it.
Jac deleted my link, so i have to go to my link via the 2 grace's blog.
Jac! why you delete my link lol..

Saturday, July 02, 2005


My wishlist:
I would like to have
Half life 2
Nice anime pictures.Or maybe the websites will do.
Then I can practice drawing crap again.
But if I am stuck in a situation where I can have only one wish, I will wish for:
-3 more extra wishes
-Lots of money
-Everything I want
Just joking. I'll wish that I didn't want those things. Better right?
The simpler the better.
I'm hungry(stomach pain)...


I lost in DoTA again. Can't even remember how many weeks since I won my last game.
I keep getting pissed each time.
Very sad.
Dunno what to do.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Eye

My eyelid is twitching all day. I thought it was a once-in-a-while thing, but when it kept twitching it really gets on my nerves.
What causes eyelid twitches? Damn.
My eyelid is even twitching as I speak.
I feel tired but I want to play something before sleeping. Maybe a little of Arx Fatalis....damn I have to bring my laptop to school tomorrow morning! Just for the damned morning so my group can do project work. I was thinking of going to one of our member's house(just across the road) but i never got to ask him.
Damn eyelid is still twitching.
Maybe it's not that bad if I have to bring the laptop tomorrow but there's volleyball sessions(play play one)too. Which means I have to take care of my laptop to make sure it doesn't get stolen or smashed by a ball.
And the project changed plans early this week, which means retyping all over again.
But I'm more worried about the laptop and the volleyball session. Bringing the laptop doesn't make me feel like going to the session tomorrow.
Damned eyelid. It doesn't stop.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Jac gave me a reply as a testimonial lol. But nobody give me mushy stuff still lol...Nevermind about mushy stuff haha. I think only good looking guys are entitled to mushy testimonials hahaha. Guess I'm out.
On another note, I seemed to be able to follow today's lesson on electric circuits! Like the Kirchoff's Voltage and Current laws.. what the hell!! They're just laws not formulas! And i thought there was some formula to it...
Wait i forgot how to solve those type of questions...haha. I'll have to look through it again.
And something new learned today. Voltage and current sources have internal resistances, placed in series and parallel respectively. So to convert them you have to remember this, and the equation "V=IR", you can solve most of the problems(that is related to the above mentioned topic, of course).

One last thing I realised.
Zero is the compliment of Infinity.
Which means, Anything divides by zero is Infinity, so Anything divided by Infinity will be zero.

I didn't know that until today..LOL

Monday, June 20, 2005


How come nobody writes me mushy testimonials?

You know it's time....

buy a new computer when your computer refuses to blow up so you can get a warranty neither does it want to boot up.

Just crapping. Has anyone heard of "Arx fatalis" this game?
Quite fun. A FPS-RPG. In that game i'm like a garbage collector haha.
The truth is


Xuan slapped me to dotaland.

Hey! SBMY is a nice organisation. I went to their camp 2 weeks ago(Didn't talk much about it anyway). The people there are damn enthusiastic!If you like crazy camps go there. Tell me and i'll help you apply for the december's camp(called sequel). It's a buddhist camp, so there'll be teachings at there.

High up the mountains silililili
Down by the river hualalalala
Got you got me lalalalala!
hahahaha funny cheer.

P.S. i'm not continuing the part after the "truth is" since there is no truth.

Have you heard of the proverb "water is wealth"?
Here's a method of proving the truth of this verse.
Try putting water in your hands. It completely slips off your hands! And when you thought your hands still have some water("They're wet!"you say) the water evaporates.
Money is easily "lost"? No. Most probably used carelessly hahaha...unless you put your money on your hands and walk around like that. Probably snatched away.
Now, I feel a little wierdly woozy. Goodnight, Not dotaland i hope.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I've become sianed of dota for today.
Because I could have avoided a little trouble if i didn't play...
So i told my mom i'd play just a while more, when i actually haven't even started a game.
So i waited for my friends to play.
One went to bathe.
Xuan went to patch windows [update].
Moo as usual went off early.
Tommy was playing LANcraft, which i joined a while then left cause all his friends were already there[in his team]...i was the only one in the enemy team and i felt out of place.


The reason i like playing dota was cause i can get to play the same game with my friends and [maybe]cooperate and have fun.
But tommy was asked me there and at that time there were 5 of his friends there...i felt left out. The point of playing dota wasn't there i left.
Then i asked xuan to tell me when he finishes windows update to tell me so we can play dota with barney.
Then he told me he didn't feel like playing anymore.
I should've asked earlier...
Then save the trouble of trying to stay up to play a match at least.
Good night... I'm dota-less today.
But sad, cause i think i'm missing something somewhere..

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Harry Potter

: lol. damned lamer sia he. lol.
: haha how the hell he get injured?
: kimchi is actually a type of cabbage soaked in water and causes massive brain damage but gives you monkey balls.
<13>: does it makes a different if he is injured or not....
: i think he was talking about kimchi flavoured instant noodles~
: lol. wahlau. jp having O's this year right? he siao liao la.
: btw, i think chalet's postponed to 9th - 11th dec. same place again!!
: get the aloha one...can cook fried rice again
: and do harry potter part II

For those who went there but didn't understand what i meant about the harry potter thing, here's a link for the video captured by moses and jeremy doing it at the chalet.

Moses' version of harry potter-

I cannot host jeremy's video cause there is no more space in the domain...apologies haha

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Is that dog bite?

I remembered something that i picked up in one of my lectures for creativity, quality and something (EG1197).
It was a comic strip showing 2 man and a dog.
Man 1:Does your dog bite?
[in the next frame, the man is scribbled with 1-pixel line like you would draw a circle in Paint with the pencil only]
1: You said it wouldn't bite!
2: That isn't my dog!
So the lecturer asked us:"what should it have been?"
And he went on"It should have been, or the man should have said that..

then silence for a second-

-is that dog bite?"

LOL.because he emphasized on the word "is", not "your".

Aniway it was funny in the way he expressed it...but he's a funny man. hahaha. Our EG1197 tutor too.

Friday, June 10, 2005


Has anyone seen ?
It's a very special website.
Go look around if you have some time..

I'm feeling a little woosy from my fever..

You're a very mellow, care-free person. Your
exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean.
You never overreact or panic in a bad situation
and you always know what to do. Everyone goes
to you for advice because you never lose your
head so your very reliable. You tend to take
everything in stride, like in school your moto
is just sit back and relax not to say you dont
pay attention and work, but you dont overexert
yourself. Even though people come to you for
counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite,
your not good with making new friends, but your
extremely close to the ones you have. Remember
its ok to put your emotions out there even
though there is a chance they might get hurt.
Also in school sometimes its good to stress out
a little, just because you think you dont need
to study doesnt mean you should'nt, and also
try to push yourself more even though you might
be good where you are doesnt mean you can,t be
better. Check out my new short story.

Whats Your Personality(with PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, June 09, 2005


Yeah I guess that's about all.
I like the sentence
"I like to sing and dance in the rain as no one will see how hard I really cry"..
Very nice sentence.
Ok maybe more pictured quizzes next time. If you protest against looking at pictures leave a comment..haha.

Your Inuyasha! You are a punk, you like to pick
fights and hate being in school, your grades
are slipping but you don't care, you are having
to much fun to actually do anything about it!

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Different results...?

you're a guardian angel
you're a guardian angel. you fight and protect the
people you love and value.

what kind of angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are sad because of the loneliness in your life

Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

Kind person
Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most" by
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give
people second chances and are probably very
kind. Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You detest
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you really are.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla
In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything
because your eyes are covered up by tears! You
are constantly hurt and depressed... No one
seems to understand how you feel because
everyone is scared to get close to you... You
long to be able to reach out and tell someone
everything, and all of your problems... But you
have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to
want to hear what you have to say. You've been
hurt many times that you don't seem to have any
tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an
endless river flowing... You've started to hide
and bottle up all or your problems and
feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go
away... You want company, but at the same time,
you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your
room where you can just be alone and try to
throw away all of your aching pains. You're
dark and mysterious and people like you for
that reason. Even if you think you're all by
yourself in the dark, someone is always there
with you. Your special someone wants to admit
and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out
more and enjoy life because, it is far too long
to frown your way through :)

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are the Spirit of Love. You think around
romance and are extremely compassionate.
Whenever you want something you can get it due
to your fiery passion. You can make friends
quite easily, because peopole are attracted to
your obvious good nature. You will have no
trouble in finding a life partner and will be
very happy.

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Hidden Power Is Water

You have a rather calm soul, but when tempted
will get pissed off at those who bug you. You
do whatever you can in your powers to help
those of your allies and have a okay taste for
human kind, but you find them rather annoying
on occasions.

Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice
Blue,Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long
that goes to your waist.

Quote:If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled
far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me
once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll
return and fill that space in your heart

What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla

Water element
Your element is Water. You have a calm aura around
you and are in tune with the world around. You
observe it but rarely interfere. Because of
your shy and timid nature you will not have so
many friends in your life. But then again,
large crowds aren't your thing anyway. You are
comfortable on your own and are reserved to
others who you don't know or know very little
of. You know everyone out there does not want
to be your friend, and knowing that is good.
However, people who don't know you that well
thinks that you are cold and distant since you
don't want to talk to them. Although you mean
no harm, you can't always be perfectly
understood in the world. No one can. Life in
general are you quite serene with even if there
are some things you don't like. Your love-life
is not so full of boys/girls, but if you
flirted more with the ones you were interested
in I'm sure something would happen. The hobbies
you choose are calmer ones, you are no party
girl that likes to drink and make-out with
three or more guys/girls in one night. Reading
a book or swimming is more your thing. Rate and

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by Quizilla

Caring soul
Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you
don't know them. If you see a person trip you
worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones
first and you're very mature. When someones
sick you're nurturing and always try to help
family and friends when failure strikes them.
You can be called the motherly one, if you are
in a group of people, which doesn't have to be
bad. Love is something that's already in you
and you have a lot to give whether you believe
it or not. Your friends probably love you very
much and come to when they need help since
you're reliable. People can feel secure with
you and generally like you.

How is your soul?(pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your element is Light: Innocent, beautiful,
kind-hearted and pure. You are so sweet your
almost angelic, you find joy in others
happiness and cannot stand to see anyone in
pain. You want to make everyone around you feel
good about themselves and if someone is upset
you can tend to become rather upset as well
which means you are sympathetic and raise
others above yourself. Being as kind and
good-natured as you are people have most likely
hurt you in the past but you pick yourself up
every time. You may look fragile but you are
stronger than most tend to see. Life is
beautiful no matter how you look at it and you
understand that people make mistakes, not
everyone is perfect. You try to see the good in
the bad which is a talent few posses, dont ever
let anyone change you. You truly have a
beautiful soul inside and a heart of gold.

.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla


What Kind Of Person Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Your connection with darkness is through your
depression. Hated, sad and often feeling
lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the
real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away
from the world since you don't want to be hurt
and betrayed again. Music gives you the
understanding you need to get through, it's
your "therapy". Or you express
yourself through art or writing. Chances are
you're also an anti-social person, who only
likes being with close friends, if even that.
The world has finally showed it's true face for
you and you wish life wasn't this miserable to
live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in
the future, but right now you're just hiding
away from the world. Who needs people anyway?

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

#2 You are...

I shall put down the results 1 by 1, since they come out wierd in the previous blog.


You are a

Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strenght to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.

Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla

Your a Vampire! Maybe a tad goth...your obsessed
with the night. Maybe Killing the living,
Sucking the blood off the innocent. You my
friend are the deadliest creature out there.

Are you a Vampire/Goth/Punk/Poser/Emo/ or just a plain PREP!?
brought to you by Quizilla

between you and your partner in your
relationship. You are very difficult to get.
You have big requirements and this one you love
must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt
your heart she/he will be the most happy person
in the world. You need someone who shoes you
that you are special and it makes you feel
good to see that you are loved. She/He shall
know that you could easily get another
girl/boyfriend but you wont as long as you
love him. when she/he hurts you you will hurt
him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If
your partner cheated you ,you would react cold
and immediately (try to) forget him
PLEASE VOTE, I want to know what you think about my
quiz, I worked hard on it.You can always
message me or tell me how I can improve that
quiz. Ill sure write back.

~THE big LOVE TEST!! What do you need? With PICS! For girls and boys!~
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

You Are...


I went to weiloong's blog and looked around, and found 2 tests to take which says you are supposedly what they stated.

So this were my results.

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which stunning spirit of emotion are you? NEW AND IMPROVED! (amazingly beautiful anime pics!)
brought to you by
Your Hidden Power Is Water

You have a rather calm soul, but when tempted
will get pissed off at those who bug you. You
do whatever you can in your powers to help
those of your allies and have a okay taste for
human kind, but you find them rather annoying
on occasions.

Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice
Blue,Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long
that goes to your waist.

Quote:If you wait for meThen I'll come for you. Although I've travelled
far, I always hold a place for youIn my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me
once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll
return and fill that space in your heart

What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by

What Kind Of Person Are You?
brought to you by
Your element is Light: Innocent, beautiful,
kind-hearted and pure. You are so sweet your
almost angelic, you find joy in others
happiness and cannot stand to see anyone in
pain. You want to make everyone around you feel
good about themselves and if someone is upset
you can tend to become rather upset as well
which means you are sympathetic and raise
others above yourself. Being as kind and
good-natured as you are people have most likely
hurt you in the past but you pick yourself up
every time. You may look fragile but you are
stronger than most tend to see. Life is
beautiful no matter how you look at it and you
understand that people make mistakes, not
everyone is perfect. You try to see the good in
the bad which is a talent few posses, dont ever
let anyone change you. You truly have a
beautiful soul inside and a heart of gold.

.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by
Your connection with darkness is through your
depression. Hated, sad and often feeling
lonely, there is only a few that appreciate the
real you. You tend to keep to yourself and away
from the world since you don't want to be hurt
and betrayed again. Music gives you the
understanding you need to get through, it's
your "therapy". Or you express
yourself through art or writing. Chances are
you're also an anti-social person, who only
likes being with close friends, if even that.
The world has finally showed it's true face for
you and you wish life wasn't this miserable to
live through. Maybe you'll find happiness in
the future, but right now you're just hiding
away from the world. Who needs people anyway?

What is your connection with darkness? (pics)
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??Which colour of Death is yours??
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Your element is Water. You have a calm aura around
you and are in tune with the world around. You
observe it but rarely interfere. Because of
your shy and timid nature you will not have so
many friends in your life. But then again,
large crowds aren't your thing anyway. You are
comfortable on your own and are reserved to
others who you don't know or know very little
of. You know everyone out there does not want
to be your friend, and knowing that is good.
However, people who don't know you that well
thinks that you are cold and distant since you
don't want to talk to them. Although you mean
no harm, you can't always be perfectly
understood in the world. No one can. Life in
general are you quite serene with even if there
are some things you don't like. Your love-life
is not so full of boys/girls, but if you
flirted more with the ones you were interested
in I'm sure something would happen. The hobbies
you choose are calmer ones, you are no party
girl that likes to drink and make-out with
three or more guys/girls in one night. Reading
a book or swimming is more your thing. Rate and

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by
Your soul is caring.
Other people are your concern, even if you
don't know them. If you see a person trip you
worry is he is okay. You put your loved ones
first and you're very mature. When someones
sick you're nurturing and always try to help
family and friends when failure strikes them.
You can be called the motherly one, if you are
in a group of people, which doesn't have to be
bad. Love is something that's already in you
and you have a lot to give whether you believe
it or not. Your friends probably love you very
much and come to when they need help since
you're reliable. People can feel secure with
you and generally like you.

How is your soul?(pics)
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You are a

Yes, you don't like to kill people. That goes
against everything you belive in. It's not that
you are a coward, but your ideals and morals
wouldn't allow it. You are the typical hero, do
the righteous things, get the bad guys and do
it all legally. But just because you don't kill
doesn't mean you can't kick ass. And that is
what you do. You use your brain and your
strenght to do honourable deeds and protect
people you know and love. If an evil guy is
going to take over the world soon, it's you who
will get involved. You hate watching innocents
suffer, and love seeing bad people getting what
they deserve. You are probably also happy and
optimistic and work pretty good in groups. And
the friends you usually make are true ones.

Main weapon: Anything at all
Quote: "You only live once, but if
you do it right, once is enough" -Joe
Facial expression: Smile

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
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Your Heart is Grey

What Color is Your Heart?
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Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most" by
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give
people second chances and are probably very
kind. Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You detest
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you really are.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by In' alt="href="">In'<"">
your eyes, people can't seem to see anything
because your eyes are covered up by tears! You
are constantly hurt and depressed... No one
seems to understand how you feel because
everyone is scared to get close to you... You
long to be able to reach out and tell someone
everything, and all of your problems... But you
have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to
want to hear what you have to say. You've been
hurt many times that you don't seem to have any
tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an
endless river flowing... You've started to hide
and bottle up all or your problems and
feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go
away... You want company, but at the same time,
you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your
room where you can just be alone and try to
throw away all of your aching pains. You're
dark and mysterious and people like you for
that reason. Even if you think you're all by
yourself in the dark, someone is always there
with you. Your special someone wants to admit
and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out
more and enjoy life because, it is far too long
to frown your way through :)

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
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